Chapter 4

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Wang Lei, Zhang Wei, and company finally arrived at the entrance array after spending their last night in the hidden medieval dimension. Around midnight, the array will disappear taking with it every chance at ever leaving this place for the next ten thousand years. Obviously, to avoid every risk of that ever happening, as soon as the sun shone its first rays, they settled to leave. After all, trouble always seems to be around the corner in such dangerous places. All they can wish for now is that the good-looking youth they met yesterday will not make them wait long. The unexpected encounter still puzzled Wang Lei to this moment, especially as to how a mere third level sage realm cultivator could tame a divine mystical beast. He, as a 9th level sage realm cultivator, knows for a fact that he's incapable of such feat. Heck, he's not even sure if his shifu can do so. Even when he asked Zhang Wei about his thoughts on this matter, he was only met with a mysterious smile, making him all the more confused.

It should be known that mystical beasts have 6 ranks that are independent, meaning that their ranks are predetermined by their kind and cannot be changed to level up to the next rank no matter how much they cultivate. In their case cultivation can only ensure reaching the peak of their own rank but not surpass it to maintain a certain hierarchy within the beasts' population.

The most commonly known, are low, middle and high rank mystical beasts. These can be easily found in the market; low rank mystical beasts are usually sold for consumption purposes and their furs are used to make cloaks and quilts, middle rank ones are used as means of transportation and high rank mystical beasts are for fighting; they're usually auctioned off to nobilities and strong cultivators. Then there are the heavenly rank ones such as the demonic blood ape in the hidden medieval dimension. Followed by the divine rank mystical beasts which are very precious and rare; one might spend their entire lives without seeing one. And last but certainly not least; the legendary rank mystical beasts but those have gone extinct; it's been said that they have a humanoid form and cannot be recognized as beasts in said form.

Obviously, the higher ranked your contracted mystical beast is, the higher your status should be, and that's precisely why Wang Lei didn't refuse Li Jun's request as to not offend him, thinking that he may be of a prominent clan or even a royalty. But still, even if his family is well off and can afford to capture a divine beast for him, which in itself might need many experts to do, for the beast to actually accept making a contract with someone that weak is quite baffling. After all, divine beasts are very prideful, why would they willingly accept being tied to someone of lower strength? Of course, if the beast wasn't willing the contract cannot be forcibly set by someone weaker than itself, and by the obviously domesticated attitude of the tiger, he looked more than willing.

The group of disciples finally reached the array, but to their surprise, there was some trouble brewing. Although, ambushing loose cultivators who have no strength and no backing is a normal occurrence in the dimension, either to snatch their goods or to kill them off without facing the consequences as a lot tend to lose their lives in pursuit of treasures, what's really surprising is the familiar faces involved in the commotion; one is their immortal martial sect's fairy Ying Yu and the other is the young man they've been expecting to meet Li Jun. Though this setting doesn't seem like an ambush.

"you! It's you! I see that your luck is good to survive for the rest of the month! That's good though, I've been dying to take revenge on you scum myself!" yelled Ying Yu, face red in anger making her lovely face appear fierce.

Li Jun, on the other hand, was uncomfortable at the attention he was getting. Spending five years in the dimension without meeting a single human, took a toll on his confidence and self-esteem. Being scrutinized by the surrounding cultivators who seem eager for the drama, made him feel tense and self-conscious even though he knows he wasn't in the wrong.

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