How you meet

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~ One/Luther.
On the day he went out to try find Five, he saw you get your purse stolen. He chased down the guy and retrieved your purse and you were extremely grateful.

~ Two/Diego.
You met at the gym that he worked at and he actually taught you how to defend yourself fully.

~ Three/Allison.
You were asked to interview Allison for a recent film that she had been in and after the camera stopped rolling, you got to know each other properly and became friends.

~ Four/Klaus.
You met Klaus at a party (shocker) and both of you were drunk and were dancing with everyone. You found that you had a really good laugh with each other.

~ Five.
You had met Five before he went missing; you were one of Allison's friends and you got on well with him but his cockiness got on your nerves. Like a lot.

~ Six/Ben.
You met Ben when you were teenagers. It was because he had ran threw the doors of the academy away from Diego, who had been threatening him with his knives, and he accidentally ran in to you.

~ Seven/Vanya.
You met Vanya when you were put next to each other at violin practice (is that what it's called??) and you realised she was really nice and not the shy person you thought she was.

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