Your reaction to them cheating

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~ One/Luther
You catch him yourself; your so angry, you scream at him until you can't even talk anymore.

~ Two/Diego
He tells you himself because he feels so guilty; you kick him out and throw all of his stuff out of the window

~ Three/Allison
You found out through Diego, you don't even know what to say, you just freeze up. You just sit there for hours until she leaves

~ Four/Klaus
You find out through one of your friends; you felt like shit and decided to drink. A lot. He came home and found you hammered and you just yelled at him

~ Five
You find out yourself, you see him with your best friend, he tried to apologise but you just pushed him away. Afterwards you refuse to leave your bedroom

~ Six/Ben
Klaus tells you and at first you don't believe him but then you confronted Ben about it and well it turns out it was true and you were utterly devastated

~ Seven/Vanya
She tells you herself; you just cried and binged watched films in your room

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