Their favourite thing about you

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~ One/Luther.
Your determination, you never let people push you around and he loves that about you.

~ Two/Diego.
Your clumsiness, he thinks it's adorable for some reason even though you hate it.

~ Three/Allison.
Your smile, she absolutely loves seeing your face light up.

~ Four/Klaus.
Your forgiveness, he loves you for it as you are always there for him when he is trying to sober up despite how difficult it gets.

~ Five.
Your laugh, he just knows that when he hears it, that the day will be a good one.

~ Six/Ben.
Your eyes, they light up when something intrigues you and when you get passionate about something.

~ Seven/Vanya.
How you get lost in the sound of playing your violin and she thinks that you're the most talented musician.

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