Chapter 1

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Pietro Point of View
I looked over and saw Clint holding a young sokovian kid as bullets pouring  down from the quinjet above our heads.
I ran at this over turned van with the plan to move it in front of Clint. I pushed the van in front of Clint and prepared myself for anything that could happen.
But I turned trying to cover my face and I saw a red force field in front of me.
Wanda. No. Wanda.
I looked over and her eyes were red as she held up her force field. The quinjet finally roared past us and Clint and I locked eyes before I quickly turned and looked at Wanda.
She looked down then looked back up. I ran over and caught her before she hit the dirt.
I started crying alot. Looking at my sweet twin sister.
"Wanda. Why? Why did you do that." I whispered as I kissed the top of her head.
"Pietro. I saw you and I thought you were gonna get hurt. I wanted to save you too." Wanda whispers
"Maximoffs! We gotta go!" Captain yelled
"Wanda's hurt!" I yelled back
"Sister. Stay with me. Stay awake. These guys. They have some of the best doctors in the world at their finger tips. They are gonna fix you and everything will be okay." I said softly to her
"Brother. I can see them. They are looking at me. They want me to join them." Wanda whispers
"No. It's not your time Wanda. It is not. Run from what you see. Look at me." I say
"Okay. Kid we gotta go now if were gonna save her." Captain America says
I nodded slowly and picked Wanda up.
"They are gonna fix you up sister. Don't do anything stupid while they fix you." I say
"I could say the same to you brother." Wanda says
I laugh at her comment and kiss the top of her head. As I set her down on this gurney I look at my sister and say "They are going to fix you right up. Any pain your in right now will be better when you wake up from surgery. Mama and Papa will have to wait to see you. Please Wanda. Please be Okay. I made the mistake of leaving you alone. Now must try your very best for me that you won't leave me."
She nodded and I gave her one final kiss before they went and started surgery in some makeshift hospital on the part of sokovia that wasn't airborn.
"Shes gonna be Okay." Clint says to Pietro
"I know. Cause I'm not prepared for anything else." I say

It's been so many hours since they started Wanda's surgery.
The others all have these weird looks on their faces. As if they knew my sister at all. My sister would be able to tell what they are thinking. But I can't do that so I just let them have the weird looks on their faces.

Memories of our childhood flash in and out of my mind.
All our birthdays. Our Parents. Everything before this.

A doctor came out an approached me and the entire room of Avengers went silent.

"How is she?" I asked urgently standing up

"Shes alive." The doctor says

I sit back down putting my hand over my eyes crying.

Shes alive. Shes okay. She is alive.

The doctor gives me a second before she keeps talking "The surgery was a success. She will be in some discomfort for a while. But she will make a full recovery. You can see her if you like Pietro." The doctor says in our accent
Which is slightly more comforting.

I nodded. Standing up but remembering the people behind me. "You guys want to see her too?" I asked in my best American accent I could muster

"We will see her after you do. In the mean time we will go get the quinjet and bring it here. You and your sister are welcome to stay at the Avengers compound for as long as you want to." Captain says "Stark is getting you both rooms at the compound as we speak."

"Thank you. For giving us a chance." I said to him

I gave Captain America and Clint small hugs before turning back to the doctor to go see my sister.

I follow behind this doctor around a mess of hallways. Before she stops at this room and said "She is in there. But before you go in. Here's her medication that she needs to take to heal properly." The doctor says giving me a bag of medications

"Thank you." I say giving her a hug

She smiles and opens up the door for me to walk in. I sit down in the chair beside her bed looking at her. Shes still asleep but her chest rising and falling makes me realize she is okay.

I grab her hand and give it a squeeze.

Her hand squeezes mine back lightly and she slowly opens her eyes.

"Hi." She mutters

"Hi." I said back smiling

"I kept my promise." She says laughing a little then coughing alot

"Hey. Hey. It's okay. Your still in some pain from surgery. Speaking of. The doctors gave me your meds you gotta take." I say

She nodded.

"So the others went to get their quinjet. Apparently we are welcome to stay at the Avengers compound for as long as we want. I told them thank you. So they are coming back for us any minute." I said "We can stay there for a few days or years. It's up to you."

"That's nice of them. I think we should go. Stay with them." Wanda says "Besides you always wanted to see the world."

I smiled and kissed her head.

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