Chapter 2

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Pietro Point of View

Getting Wanda on the jet was alot easier than I expected. I pretty much carried her on the jet. Then once I got her on the jet and settled into a seat she was out.

"Glad to see shes Okay." Natasha says softly putting a hand on my shoulder.

I smile and mutter a thank you.

I sit down and she manages to move so that her head is in my lap.

While we take off and through the entire flight I'm running my fingers through her hair. It always made her feel better when She would have bad headaches from her powers.

Clint announced that the jet was on autopilot mode and everyone was free to get up and move around.

I just unstrapped my seat buckles and just didn't move from where I was.

After a long and brutal flight to America I had to managed to get out of my seat without waking Wanda.

I picked her up and carried her inside the tower.

"So. I'll get some temporary clothes for you two for tomorrow. Nothing fancy. Then you guys can go to the mall or whatever and get clothes." Stark says

I still feel a bit of anger towards him from our parents deaths.

"You and your sisters rooms are right beside each others. So your rooms are down that hall. There are plaques on the Walls telling you who's room is which." Stark says "Also you and your sisters rooms are adjoining."

I nodded and said Thank you

I walked to the door that said Wanda's name on it and opened it. I walked inside and set her down on the big bed which she still slept.

I sat down in a big chair watching my sister. Every rise and fall of her chest made me remember shes okay.

"Moving her before the anesthesia wore off probably wasn't our best idea." A voice said from the doorway

I looked up and saw Clint. I just sighed and pulled my focus back towards my sister.

"Its Funny you know. When we were kids Wanda hardly spoke to anyone other than me and our parents. She just kept to herself. I however spoke to anyone who looked at me. I had to start a conversation with them. I always had her with me though. We were never apart for long. Whenever we would leave each other. She would say I was more of a reck when we were apart but she and I both know She is wrong." I said to Clint my accent blazing through every single word I said "When we were ten our parents died. We were eating and the first bomb goes off and theres a hole in the floor and it's big. Our parents go in then the second shell hits. I grab her and we both were curled up under a bed with a bomb with Stark painted across it. Three feet from our faces." I said anger slipping through my voice when I talked about that day "But. Several years later. We were with Strucker. During the experiments. Every night I'd hear her cry through our cages because she was so scared of her magic. She was terrified. But eventually they let us see each other again. We both have nightmares but hers would get so bad I'd climb into bed with her and hold her while she slept. That's the only way I could. Also I would use my super speed to massage her head. She would get these awful headaches because of the experiments." I say "We were perfectly balanced of each other. I'd move at super speed and my temper would too. It's like I am waiting for everything to catch up to me. Her however. She is very connected to herself. She knows and understands people. She can get into people's heads and make them however she sees fit and it makes her more closer to the universe than me." I say "I'm always there for her when she needs me. Shes always there for me when I need her." I finally stop speaking and look up at Clint.

He looked at me a smiled. "You know. A few days ago. You wouldn't have spoke to me like this. You nor your sister would have." He said "Come on. Let's go get you some food." Clint got up and started for the door but he noticed I didn't get up with him.

"What's the matter kid? Not hungry?" Clint says

"Wanda and I have never had American food." I say

"Alright. Come on we will go find you something." Clint says "Your sister will be okay."

I get up and walk with Clint to the kitchen, living room sort place.

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