Chapter 3

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Wanda Point of View

My eyes slowly opened and revealed an unfamiliar place around me. Panic started to rise in my chest.

Wheres Pietro?

My mind was trying to find the events of the last thing I remember which was being in Sokovia in the Hospital after I just woke up from surgery.

Speaking of I probably should stay put since I still am in pain. But I got up and opened the door and my curiosity got the better of me.

I kept mentally trying to call out for Pietro.

"Miss Maximoff? A voice said from behind me

I jumped and turned around gathering a red ball of Hexes in my hands.

"Its just me Vision." Vision states

I lower my guard a bit removing the magic from my finger tips.

"Where am I? Wheres my brother?" I said

"You are currently at the Avengers compound. Mr Maximoff is in the kitchen with Mr Barton." Vision says

"My name is Wanda. Vision, please call me Wanda." I say

"M- Wanda. You should not be up. You just had surgery and you were injured." Vision says

"I want my brother. Can you take me to my brother." I ask slightly demanding.

"I certainly can." Vision says

We walk to the kitchen. Vision well hovered there. We kept the conversation light and minimal. I resisted the urge to look back inside his head. I wanted to see inside. But I knew he'd sense my presence within seconds.

We walked to the Kitchen and My Brother locked eyes with me and immediately sped over to me looking at me.

"Are you okay? Are you in pain? Do you need something to eat?" He said quickly.

"Slow Down. One I'm fine. Two Its minimal. Three I'm starving." I said to him.

He slipped back into our native language for a minute "They just have American food here. It's different" He says.

"I'm sure it is." I say back

"I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. I was hungry and Clint offered to make some food." He says

"So this is our home now?" I ask

"Yeah. I always wanted to see the world right?" He says laughing a little

Then I suddenly switched it back to English. "Yes Brother. You certainly did."

Natasha was looking at us both as we spoke. I forgot she spoke Russian. She could understand some of what we were saying. I wasn't really worried because we weren't saying anything bad.

I smiled softly to her and sat down beside Clint and Pietro sat down beside me.

"Okay. We have training starting again tommorow." Steve says

"What about the twins?" Clint asks

"That's up to them. So you two want to be Avengers?" Steve asks us

I slowly close my eyes and use my powers and enter my brothers mind. I ask him what he should do.

"What do you want to do brother?" I ask

"Well. We could stay. Or we could go. We don't owe these people anything. They technically owe you something sister." He says

"How so?" I ask

"Was it not you who saved Clints life? You also volunteered to protect the key. You got almost killed for a member of their team." He says

"I new it was the right thing to do brother. You would have done the same thing if the roles were reversed." I say
"But were getting off topic here. I can't keep this connection much longer."

"We should stay." I say finally "They are going to help us brother. There are people here who clearly care about us. This place is better than the street or Struckers Lab. I know your going to say we have lived on the street for so many years. But Pietro here theres Clint. He clearly cares about us both. This whole thing is gonna take getting used to. But it could be good for us."

I broke the connection with my powers and we both looked up to Steve and We both said Yes. Were going to become Avengers.

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