Chapter 6

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Theo woke with a start and felt a familiar bulk against the full length of her. She inwardly groaned. Not again! This was the second night in a row and she was so tired. She had spent the day hawking her father's potions around the neighbouring villages. It had rained, her horse was lame and it had been exhausting. She had stumbled into bed still fully clothed and fallen asleep almost immediately. Only to be awake now three hours later with a spoilt nobleman once again wrapped around her as if she were a security blanket. She was sick of being used in this way,

She stuck a sharp elbow in his ribs and he grumbled.

"Wake up you son of a mongrel bitch," she muttered.

He laughed behind her, a sound that instantly made her body come alive despite her annoyance.

She grumpily turned around. "I'm serious, Nikolai. You have got to stop doing this."

"It will stop when I get married," he said, which for some reason gave her a sudden ache in her chest. "But that is not for another month and believe me, I am going to spend the next four weeks making the most of every moment."

"You're getting married, not dying."

"I can't stay away from you, Theo."

"Oh don't be dramatic!"

"I mean it. You are so important to me."

Theo snorted. "And why is that? Because I provide you with a nice warm bed and a shoulder to cry on?"

"Not just that," he said sulkily. "You have never been just that. When we were fifteen ....when we were fifteen I was so in love with you but you never noticed. I wanted to lose my virginity to you, Theo. So badly, but you never looked at me that way."

Theo stared at him open mouthed. "You're not serious? You were horrible to me. You used to play those horrible pranks on me and tell lies about me to everyone!"

"I know. I was so confused and bitter and I dealt with it badly."

"And why are you telling me this now?"

He sat up slightly. "Because I am getting married. Because I am sick of wanting you and not telling you so. Because you are by far the best and most desirable girl I know, and I thought you ought to know that."

Theo was stunned into silence. She stared into the darkness of her room and tried to process this new information, information that could turn her world upside down. "You can't possibly be attracted to me," she eventually said. "All those curvaceous blondes you bed! And I am dark and skinny."

"You have the most beautiful breasts, Theo. The perfect handful with rosy pink nipples begging to be sucked," he said looking down at her, his eyes surveying her body.

"Oh don't Nikolai! Don't talk to me like that!"

"Why not, Theo? I look at you and my mouth waters. I want you so badly it actually hurts me. My balls ache so much I can't sleep at night. And I bed one of those curvaceous blondes to ease the pain but all I can think of is you and how your warm little body fits against mine and how good you feel in my arms and above all how much I want to fuck you."

"No Nikolai, don't."

"Do you want to hear more? Do you want to hear about how much I want to see your pussy? How much I want to find out how pink it is and if I make you wet? Are you wet now?"

"No!" Theo pleaded, her face so red she burned.

"Do you want me, Theo? Do you want to see how hard my cock is? How hard you make me?" and he got up out of bed and stood beside her.

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