Chapter Five: Meeting New Friends

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Soon, Marc realized he needed a place to stay. Tired and alone, Marc White dried his eyes hiked around the forests as he tried to find some shelter. After spending an hour searching, he found a cottage built with red bricks and light brown roof tiles, it also had a few plants growing around. 

Marc knocked on the door and waited for an answer. When there was no reply, he carefully walked inside and found inside seemed bigger than the outside with a living den, a dining room and staircase leading upstairs. In the dining room, there was a long table with seven plates of fruits, soup, and cups of drinks. Realizing how hungry he was, Marc White took a bite from each plate and sip from each cup. 

Then, he climbed up the staircase to find a bedroom. There were two bunk beds on the left side and another bunk bed on the right. Beside it, there was a single bed. Due to his crying and his hike, he felt extremely tired. So he laid down on the single bed, placed his head on crossed arms and was asleep within seconds. By nightfall, seven friends returned back home, in anticipation of the meal awaiting them. But to their surprise, they found their meal had already been eaten. Their soup was eaten, parts of their fruit were missing, and their drinks were less than how much they left it.

"Ha, wonder if Goldilocks stumbled upon here?" One of them said.

They decided to check out their bedroom to see if the culprit was there. Sure enough, they found him still sound asleep. While they were angry with their unexpected guest, all that anger vanished when they saw Marc White's beauty and peacefulness. One of them, a girl with reddish-brown hair and white-dotted and black glasses and dressed a plaid shirt and matching skirt suggested that they leave him to rest for the night and they confront him the next morning. All of them nodded in agreement, well, almost all of them. The blonde girl, who wore a yellow jacket over a white tee and black skirt, complained that the boy was sleeping on her bed and does not want to share with anyone else.

Even though the other friends tried to keep her quiet, her complaints managed to wake Marc White. Marc blinked his eyes open and saw the seven strangers staring at him. He got worried as he struggled to explain why he was in their home.

"H-hi," he began. "I'm sorry for trespassing, but I really needed a place to stay. D-don't worry, I'll get going now."

Marc got up and was about to leave when the boy, who was the biggest and wearing a black shirt, sat him down on the bed. Marc was more anxious, wondering how the strangers will do. Just then, the boy, wearing a blue shirt, blue-grey shorts, a pair of black glasses, and a red cap, gently placed a hand on Marc White's shoulder and gave him a calmed smile.

"Don't worry about it," he reassured him.

"Hi, my name's Alya." The reddish-brown-haired girl introduced herself. Then she pointed to the boy that assured Marc, "this is Nino."

"He is Ivan," the big-sized boy smiled.

"She's Rose," The blonde girl, dressed in pink, waved energetically.

"That's Sabrina," a girl with glasses beside Rose waved.

"The girl over there is Alix," The girl with her pink hair in a side ponytail and dressed as a roller skater winked at Marc.

Then Alya pointed at the blonde girl in black, white, and black, "and the girl who rudely woke you up is Chloe."

Chloe scoffed, turning away while everyone else greeted their guest. Marc White, now calm and smiling, noticed that he had not introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Marc White of Anciel." That's when everyone stopped and stared at Marc like he was a ghost.

"Wait, you mean you're Marc White, Prince of Anciel?!" Rose questioned in a high-pitched voice.

"You know about my status in Anciel?" Marc asked in surprise.

"Yeah we do, in fact, we all used to live in Anciel ourselves," Alya explained. "You see, when Lila gained the throne, she made some proclamations and we had to object to them. So she banished us to the woods."

"I'm guessing she banished you too," Alix guessed.

"Actually, I ran away," Marc admitted. He told them about how Lila wanted him dead and how he escaped. 

"Well, that's just utterly pathetic," Chloe said. "If you ask me, I would much rather stay in the beautiful palace, only fit for a princess like me."

"You mean, the stables?" Alix joked.

Chloe looked at the rollerblader, scornfully.  Everyone burst into laughter.

"Even that wilting flower in Marc's ear is prettier than you," Rose added.

Marc stopped laughing from that remark and touched his ear to realize that the stargazer lily behind his ear. Looking at the flower, he was reminded of Nathaniel and became sad. He bit his lip to hold back a whimper but there was nothing he could do to stop the tears from streaming down his face.

They all looked at Marc in concern. Rose began to apologize when Marc looked at her, drying his tears. "It's okay, I think I should get going."

Marc was about to leave again when Nino stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder and said, "If you really need a place to shelter you from that evil queen, it will be more than a honor if you stay with us." 

Marc looked up with hopeful eyes. Alix added, "after all, one more roommate wouldn't hurt. We had dealt with Chloe." 

Everyone, sans Chloe, laughed. Marc smiled, maybe this time things will work out for him. 

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