Chapter 4: What?

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Ms. Dragens points to the empty seat next to me. "You may sit there, Apollo, right next to Courage." She winks at me and I raise my eyebrows as Apollo plops down next to me. The class works in silence until I feel a faint kick at my leg. Apollo must have moved his foot again. I ignore it and look at question 18. What's x•y7? As I jot down the answer,  I feel the kick again, this time harder. I curl my fists,  and once again ignore it. 3rd time. I resist the urge to slam my palm on the desk and backhand him as I slowly turn my head and mouth, What? He opens his mouth to say something, but the bell rings.  I grab my stuff and move to the next class, which he's in. He's seated far away from me this time,  so we go through 6 more classes until lunch. I run out to the field to join my friends. They smile and wave at me. Megaan screams, "COURAAAAGE!! YAA-" She stops as Zero clamps a hand over her mouth. She takes it off when I sit down.  Zero looks at my face, "What's wrong?" I sigh, replying,  "Apollo wants to tell me something. I don't know what."

Megaan laughs, "He's in loooove with yooouu!" I turn red, "Megaan! Stooop!" She smiles along with Zero. Then they giggle, "Hey, here he comes! See ya, sexy beast!" They run to the other side of the field. I yell after them, "What? HEY, DON'T LEAVE ME!" I whip around as Apollo approaches me. He drops a note at my feet and walks away. I open it, reading the messy writing. Meet me by the gate after school. I wonder what he wants. 2 more periods later, and I'm done.  I sneak around the school, past the guards and stand by the back gate. A hand reaches out from between the bars and grabs me.

Pulling me into the dark trees beyond the gates.

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