Fresh Start

693 13 16

Sal threw the GearBoy he had been playing with onto the bed he was laying on, disturbing the fat cat next to him. The cat meowed in protest.

"Sorry Giz" the bluenette mumbled, he had been putting off unpacking for awhile now and was getting bored of the game he had been playing. He got up and headed to what was gonna be the office, he opened the door to see his father trying to lift a rather heavy box.

"Here dad, let me help you with that" Sal offered

"Thanks kiddo, guess my back isn't what it used to be" his father replied with a rather awkward chuckle, his son in the other hand, stayed silent. Henry sighed,

"I know it isn't Jersey but things are gonna be better here, this is gonna be a fresh start, I promise," Sal averted his father's gaze. Henry knelt down to Sal's rather miniscule height,

"Listen, Sal... I'm sorry for the things I did back in Jersey, I love you with all my heart, if never mean to hurt you and I promise I'll never touch that stuff again, okay?" He he gave Sal a reassuring grin, Sal had heard those exact words and seen that smile a thousand times before, they all ended badly, but hugged him for his father's sake. They sat there in silence until Henry pulled back

"How about you go meet the neighbors, make some friends"

"Sure, ok dad" the bluenette said in his best attempt at a happy voice. His father ruffled his son's hair and smiled. The young boy got up and headed out, saying bye to his cat before leaving.

Sal had explored and talked to everyone on his floor and most of the people on the 3rd, the only thing that stood out to him was this guy named Charley, he didn't seem to have any bad intentions, he was just a creep. He went down the hall, there was a woman in a janitor outfit, she seemed sweet. He decided to approach her, the woman looked up to see a young boy with blue pigtails coming her way

"Oh hi, you must be one of the new guys in 402, I was gonna head up there and say hi"

"Oh yea, we just arrived this morning. I'm Sal Fisher, you can call me Sally though" his voice was quiet and awkward, he wasn't exactly the best at socializing

"Well I'm Lisa, if you need anything, you can just call me up!"

"Oh um thank you..." His voice trailed off at the end but Lisa just smiled sweetly.

"You know what, I have a son around your age. Why don't you go down and introduce yourself, here's the keycard to get down there" she handed Sal the basement keycard, he took it, thanked her, and headed down to the basement. He put the card in the slot and listened to the gentle elevator music, thinking of his new home. Despite his father's promise, he was terrified. What if things don't change? What if his father doesn't change?


What if it's just like in Jersey?


What if it's worse?


Sal's thoughts were interrupted by the the ding of the elevator telling him he's reached his destination. He walked out, the questions haunting him, he tried to shake the feeling of despair but to no avail.

"Things will be different" he told himself, he walked to the door of Lisa's apartment and opened the door. It was a lot neater than he thought it would be, he looked around and his eyes landed on a door, a sign hung from it 'keep out' it read.

'Very welcoming' he thought to himself, he walked up to it and knocked lightly on the door, no answer. Just as he was about to knock the door once more, an unnecessarily tall brunette opened the door.

'Holy fuck nuggets he's tall' Sal thought to himself, "Hi, I'm Sal, your mom said that I should come down and.. uhm meet you" he took a moment to take in the brunette's features, he had long, dark chocolate brown hair, honey brown eyes, he had a strong jawline and very masculine facial features, and had rather muscular arms, overall he pretty good looking.

"Oh I'm Larry, come on in then" he held the door open as to welcome Sal in. Just as he walked in, a somewhat familiar scent hit him, it was sweet but he couldn't place his finger on what it was. "Uh make yourself comfortable I guess" Larry said, the room was much different from the rest of the house, It was much messier and the walls were covered in posters and paintings, Sal observed the paintings, they were amazing. He's never seen an art style that realistic yet stylized,

"These are... Amazing" Sal said, still staring at the art piece

"Eh it's not that good" Larry said, he was secretly smiling to himself. Sal looked at one of the posters, it had the letters 'SF' on it, he turned around, the shirt Larry was wearing had the same logo.

"What does that stand for?" He said, pointing at Larry's shirt

"Huh? You don't know who Sanity's Fall is? Dude, that's needs to change" he walked over to a box and pulled out a CD and inserted it into a CD player(?) and the music produced from the speakers was so loud, you could feel the ground rumble. Larry immediately started headbanging, Sal soon followed, laughing hard. The song ended and Sal fell, landing on the beanbag behind him, they both burst out into a fit of laughter.

"I don't know how I haven't heard them before, they're great"

"I know right? My mom hates it though" they continued to talk about the band for awhile until Lisa walked in

"Hey boys, glad to see you two getting along! You two need anything orrr?" Larry looked at Sal, Sal shook his head no in response.

"Nah we're good, thanks"

"Ok then, well have fun you two" she walked out and closed the door behind her.

"Um by the way, what's with the mask?" Larry questioned, Sal shifted in his seat uncomfortably, he knew this question would pop up, it always did. Larry must've noticed because he quickly followed the statement up with "You don't have to answer if you don't want to, sorry for asking"

"No no, it's fine... It's actually not a mask, it's a prosthetic," Sal said, looking down "I got bullied for it back in Jersey, they gave me the nickname Sally Face... that's actually one of the reasons we moved here..."

"Shit man, that sucks. They sound like dicks" Larry said in an attempt to sound empathetic, he genuinely felt bad, he just wasn't good with subjects like this


"Well, it's not gonna be that way here, ok? And if anyone teases you for it, I'll beat their ass" Larry was surprised with the sudden feeling of affection and care he felt for this little cotton-candy-haired boy he had just met, Sal was equally surprised but smiled at the kindness this skyscraper showed towards him. "And you know, Sally Face sounds cool as fuck" they laughed

"Thanks" the smaller child said, awkward silence ensued after that

"Sooooo when are you going to school?" Larry said, trying to start up a conversation

"Oh, in a 2 weeks or something"

"Lucky, I have school tomorrow"

"Sucks for you then" Sal teased

"Oh thanks" Larry replied sarcastically. Lisa walked in to the room,

"Hey boys, I'm making dinner and I just wanted to know Sal wanted to stay over"

"Oh actually, I should probably head home now. My dad is probably where I went" this was probably the best time to head out, he needed to feed Gizmo anyways.

"That sucks, well, hope I'll see youuuuu" Larry said, thinking of the soonest date he could see Sal again, "Tomorrow?" Sal smiled to himself , he'd just met Larry but already liked him more than anyone else he'd met so far.

"Sure" Sal smile only grew, he was happy that Larry seemed to share the same enthusiasm to see each other again.

"Well, I'll see you around Sal" Lisa said, her motherly smile reminded Sal of his own mother's smile. They all said their goodbyes and Sal left. He got to the elevator and thought about his new friend, for the first time since the "incident" he felt real happiness.

Hi! This chapter actually took me forever but I'm pretty happy with it.

Pigtails and Pills [❤Sal x Larry❤] (Discontinued, Sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now