Everything Stays

534 11 10

TW: Abusive acts, mentions of self harm, self harm

You promised...

All he could feel was betrayal, it wasn't the first time but for some God forsaken reason, this time hurt so much worse.. His father started to wake up from his inebriated coma, he rubbed his head, soon noticing Sal. His face contorted from confusion to anger

"Why are you late?!" He yelled, he tried to get up but inevitably fell

"You promised..." Sal whispered, tears starting to fall from his eyes

"What was that, bitch?" he yell-slurred. When his father drank, you couldn't even tell he was drunk, he just seemed.. insane. Sal started shaking. Henry tried once more to get up, a broken booze bottle in hand. While he struggled, Sal ran to the bathroom, locking the door. He hugged his knees to his chest, rocking back and forth, his father was now at the door and was angrily banging on the door.




These were only a few of the curses he shouted, Sal started sobbing, covering his ears in an attempt to block out the noise. One noise he couldn't block out was the sound of door hinges cracking.

Oh god... He's gonna break the door!

Panic overtook his body, he remembered the walkie talkie Larry just gave him. He looked around him, it was nowhere to be found, he must be dropped it when he ran to the bathroom. He jumped into the tub, bracing for impact. One last body slam into the door was all it took. Henry stormed towards Sal, grabbing him by the collar.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT, WHY THE FUCK DID I HAVE TO BREAK DOWN THE FUCKING DOOR? HUH?" His eyes were practically red, Sal had silent tears running down his face, "TAKE OFF THIS STUPID PIECE OF SHIT" Henry practically ripped the prosthetic off Sal's face, "Ugly bitch" Sal was shaking, he closed his eyes ready for a hit to come. As if he predicted the future, Henry threw a punch at his face, opening up a few scars. His Father threw him out of the tub, onto the tiled floor. His Father stormed out of the apartment, probably to get more drinks. Sal weakly got up, grabbing his prosthetic. He grasped the sink for support and looked into the mirror, a bruise was forming already. He washed the blood off his face, the cuts weren't to bad so he just put his prosthetic over it. He grabbed a bottle of painkillers, dry swallowing a couple. He limped back to his room, picking up the walkie talkie on his way, and layed on his bed, it would be a long, long night.

Two years later..

It'd been two years since his father started drinking again, the beatings had become his norm and Travis had only just started REALLY bullying him. He'd been taking his meds much more often and he started his... "Coping mechanism" again. He's been able to hide the marks from his friends and has yet to show what's under the mask or talk about his past. His life was everything but perfect, unless he was with Larry, the two were inseparable.

Or so they thought....

Sal's POV



I take off my prosthetic, letting the cold breeze of the early winter evening brush against my scarred face. I look down from the ledge of the place I called home, Addison Apartments. Tears are threatening to pour from my eyes, I take one last swig from the booze bottle I've been nursing, throwing it to the ground. The world is swirling around me, I feel woozy. A bright pink-orange color takes over the sky, the sun must be setting. I take a deep breath as I lean forward. I feel my body rapidly falling towards the ground, the last thought running through my head

Pigtails and Pills [❤Sal x Larry❤] (Discontinued, Sorry :( )Where stories live. Discover now