Where You Meet

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A/N: Thank you for reading!!!! These are my first preferences. I'm pretty busy with schoolwork, but I'll try to update as much as possible. I'm open to requests, for both preferences AND the people in it, but I'm not that far in the Originals, so if a character hasn't appeared in the show yet, I can't write them in. I can also add in some TVD characters if you want. I don't write smut. I try to keep spelling and grammar mistakes to a minimum, but I'm sorry if there are some anyway. Thanks again! 

Klaus: You walk into Rousseau's, looking for someplace to stay in the Quarter while you visit your friend. As you are going inside, looking at your feet, you bump someone's chest. A man steps back, and you drag your eyes up to his. He's attractive. Very. 

"Oh, sorry- I'm- I wasn't looking where I was going, sorry." 

The man smiles, a sort of unnerving lopsided grin. He just looks amused at your apology.

"Oh, it's okay, Love. You're lucky it was me you bumped into." He leans in closer to your ear, and you find yourself drawn to not only his accent, but his voice. "I'm one of the nice ones."

He exits the bar, and you watch him go, hoping you'll see him again.

Elijah: You lie on the floor of the huge building, trembling, as the man with the accent comes closer and closer to you. He lifts his eyebrows and smiles. 

"Looks like you're the last one standing," he says. "It's a wonder you survived this long. You look delicious." Veins bulge under his eyes, and you start to scream as his canines come closer to your neck. You squeeze your eyes shut involuntarily, and beg internally for the low growling to stop. You open your eyes to watch yourself die. 

A suited man walks briskly up behind him and snaps his neck. He slumps to the ground with a loud thud. He offers you his hand, and you take it, trembling, stepping over the bodies of those the man killed. 

"I apologize sincerely for my brother's actions. He sometimes cannot control himself."

You feel tears running down your face. "Did you kill him?"

"No- he's merely passed out."

You nod, wanting to collapse on the ground and sob. The man can tell and supports your weight, but you lean into his immaculate suit and cry. He awkwardly snakes his arms around you. 

You pull back after you've gotten your bearings. "What's your name?" You ask shakily.


Rebekah: "You look stunning in that dress."

You turn to the right, frowning at the girl you've never seen before. Your friend, who you were showing the dress to, laughs. 

"What?" The girl insists. "It's true!"

She's really pretty, with long blond hair and an effortlessly fabulous sense of style. 

"You should get it. We're getting pretty good feedback," Your friend says, shrugging.

"What's your name?" You ask the girl. 

"Rebekah," she replies. You smile and go back into the dressing room. You see her frown. When you've changed into your clothes, you're surprised to see she's still there. You both stare at each other. 

"You never told me your name," she comments.

"Y/N," you laugh. 


You blush a little. "Can I have your number?"

Kol: "Hey, Beautiful. Can I buy you a drink?" You turn to the man who slid into the seat next to you and scowl. 

"I don't drink." 

"Nonsense. I'll have a tequila shot and a..." he looks at me. "strawberry Margherita for this one."

"Absolutely not," you say to the bartender. 

"Fine. A sprite for the both of us."

You hesitantly agree. While the man you don't know the name of complains about how you robbed him of a shot, you sip soda from the straw and try to ignore him. 

"And then mother, too scared to lose yet another performed a spell, in which I lost all my magic."

You raise an eyebrow and look up at him. He smirks, having gotten your attention.

"And that, my Darling, is how I became a vampire." The smile grows wider on his face, and he leans in closer, lifting your chin. His eyes turn black. 

"Why don't you come outside with me, and don't make a sound?" He asks, peering into your eyes.

Hayley: The road is dark. It's early morning, maybe 4:00 am. You took a road through the forest, and it scares you. But at least you don't have to worry about destroying mailboxes. You still don't really have the hang of the driving thing, and this way, you don't have to risk it. 

You look up from the wheel and shriek. You swerve to avoid slamming into the naked woman on the road, who looks just as terrified as you must. Your car spins into a tree, making it tilt far backward. You fly forward, wincing at the force you slam into the locked seatbelt. 

The woman rushes over. "I'm so sorry, I had no idea where I was, and it was so dark-"

She looks absolutely horrified. "It's okay. We're both okay, which is what matters."

You get out of the car, trying not to stare at her, and walk into the woods. You've always been kind of shy. You pull off your shirt, leaving you in your undershirt, and pull off your shorts and leggings, putting the shorts back on afterward. You toss them to the girl. 

"Oh- thank you," she says, putting them on. 

"Um, so not be like, nosy, but why were you... naked?"

She sighs. "Why don't I explain while we go someplace with cell reception?"

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