Chapter 20

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Betty's p.o.v.

No .

That's ridiculous . He can't just drive away and be like that . Yes I agree I have been hanging out with Mark lately more but that doesn't mean that I changed my feelings for Toby . And that idiot thinks I like Mark . No I do not .

Yeah I guess Mark is sweet and that all , but if I compare him to Toby he is so boring . It would be like dating second Jughead and I don't want that . What the hell am I supposed to do ?

I stormed back into the white wyrm going to the all so familiar table where we used to sit all of us . There is Cheryl sitting and looking at the guys along with Toni playing pool game .

'' Can you give me keys from our car ? '' I ask silently Cheryl who looked at me while the cherry cola is in her hand . '' Umm ... Why ? And where is Toby ? '' Cheryl says confused and I sigh .

'' Just please give me the keys and I'll explain to you everything tommorow '' I said and she nodded her head looking into her purse . After few minutes she got out the keys and handed me them as I quickly thanked her and run off .

Toby's p.o.v.

Okay well let's think about some plan . I won't talk that much to her anymore only if it is necessary . You know how people say 'if you love her let her go . If she loves you she'll come back' . Maybe I should follow this rule .

My thoughs were stopped in the second when someone knocked loudly at my door . I wonder who it is ?

I got up from my bed and went towards the door . I opened those door to reveal Elizabeth Cooper with angry and sad expression at once on her face .

'' What Cooper ? Haven't I made myself clear ? '' I asked annoyed even though her presence hear is kind of making me sad I can't let her know that .

'' It's unfair from you to just storm away Toby ! You didn't give me even time to explain myself or to say something . Before I could react you were gone ! '' She says angry and walked inside . I took a confused look and closed the door after her .

'' I gave you enough time . The untold message was recieved so I don't really get it why you are here '' I said and stood right infront of her with crossed arms .

She mirrored my actions and started to talk . '' You think the worst of you or what ? I never said I want him neither did I gave you the untold message because if you thought I did you were wrong . '' She says much more without the anger in her voice .

'' Oh really ? Then tell me what do you want because I don't get it '' I said with a lot confused expression . She sighed and looked me in the eyes . So many emotions run through her eyes that you can't even count it . But few emotions are there and stands out . Emotions like sadness , dissapointment and lust . Wait lust ?

With a blink of my eye she smashed her lips on mine pulling me into hungry kiss which I recieved successfuly in a matter of second . This kiss is very passionate full of lust and want . I never had so heated kiss or more like make out with her . I licked her lower lip wanting open entrance to her mouth . She accepted and opened her mouth more as my tongue explored her mouth which left her with soft moan .

I didn't hesitate a second and grabbed her by her thighs up to my high level . I smashed her back on the wall behind us which recieved from her gasp . I kissed her on her neck more . Leaving a lot sloppy mouth opened kiss untill I got on her sweet spot and bit on her skin sucking it . I can feel that my action made her legs get around me tighter as her hands gripped on my hair .

I sucked harder on her skin as I bit slightly on her skin which successfuly got a louder moan from her . This make out has been so far the roughtest we ever had , maybe it is because of the emotions that are between us right now . I mean she came here with anger very much .

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