02|This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

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This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

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This is the Part Where You Run Part 2

The Salvatore School

The Woods

Nikki's POV

I realised that I still needed to deal with Rafael before I went to Lizzie's room so I went to the party going on in the woods figuring he would be there and granted I was in sweats but I really didn't care so I saw Josie with Rafael sitting down on a log having what looked like a serious conversation and I was just gonna wait I mean I'm not horrible.

After what felt like forever but was only a few minutes it looked like they had gone into having a lighter conversation so I started walking over with a determined look in my eyes "Rafael" I yelled gaining his and Josie's attention as well as a few other and he stood up as I got closer "what's up Nikki" he asked and then I punched him right in the face and damn did it feel good "what was the for" he yelled so I crouched down "that for Lizzie, watch what you say next time" I whispered to him.

Realisation appeared on his face and I could see a slight amount of guilt but I didn't care so I stood up "why did you do that Nik" Josie asked me "he hurt someone I care about and frankly he is quite lucky that is all he got" I said and Josie sighed and nodded knowing how I am when it comes to this stuff, I mean it's quite black and white you hurt someone I care about there's gonna be an issue I got that from my father people treat it like I'm violent I just say I'm protective.

Now I can go see Lizzie but I might leave the whole Rafael thing out I mean she knows how protective I can get but she also doesn't like it when I get into a fight because she thinks I'm going to get hurt.

Lizzie and Josie's Room

After being satisfied with what happened in the woods I walked straight to Lizzie and Josie's room knocking on the door hearing a faint 'come in' and once walking in I see Lizzie just lying on her bed looking cute as ever "hey babe" I say and she shoots right up a smile taking over her face as she sees me "Nik" she says in surprise before pull her sheets back invited me in so we could cuddle.

I know what you are thinking the badass tribrid cuddling well what can I say I will do anything to bring that smile on her face I mean have you seen it, it can light up a whole room "how are you feeling" I asked as she leaned her head on my chest even though she was a little taller the me she always like cuddling into my side and I never complained.

"I'm ok better now that you are here" she said causing me to laugh "you know sometimes I wish we could go public" Lizzie said causing me to look her "really" I asked "yeah of course but there I remember my father and what he would think plus your sister" Lizzie said and I sighed "in all honestly I don't think Hope would really care, I think your father would not approve of you dating a Mikaelson though" I said causing her to laugh and nod in agreement "he might try and stake you" she said and now that I think about it he probably would.

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