Chapter 5

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John was confused when he woke up. His head was spinning, but it felt really comfortable. Well, the sheets were soft and...

Wait, he's not at his dorm, and he's not in the clinic either. This is someone else's room.

John tried standing up, but his head just felt so dizzy that he didn't think he could walk without falling. Instead of forcing himself, he sat down and wait for his headache to settle down. He looked around the room, observing the medals hanged around the wall. Judging what he can see, the owner of this room was academically smart, and he seemed to be rich too.

He continued looking around, but as he continued, the door creaked open.

It was Arlo.

What happened was a bit of a blur, but he do remember Arlo choking him. Not realizing it, his hands have already unconsciously moved on his neck.

"John." Arlo's voice sounded surprisingly calm, at least compared to how he usually talks to John.

John was still too stunned to react, and his headache and dizziness wasn't getting better. John hated Arlo, his stupid ideals, his obsession with the hierarchy, and all of the terrible things he've done to John.

But although he hated Arlo, he never did something that would damage the blond, why couldn't just Arlo do the same?

"Last week you groped me, yesterday you strangled me, and now you're kidnapping me? You're worse than I thought Arlo. "

Arlo didn't answered, but he looked like he was affected with what John have said.

"I'm surprised you even changed my clothes and provided me a bed to sleep in, though I'm sure you must have enjoyed feeling me up when you stripped me down. "


The dark haired man stood up again, walking towards the door, he almost fell on his way, but he've managed to balance himself... When Arlo grabbed his hand.

John didn't liked the feeling...

"I didn't touched you." he looked away.

As if John would believe that.

"Since you're awake now, you should eat now... I cooked something. "Arlo continued, still holding John's hand.

"Thinking of poisoning me now? Wow, I'm amazed by how much you seemed to hate me." John said bitterly.

"John, can we just please be civil for now? We can talk about this later, just eat something first." this? Coming from Arlo? The world must be falling apart by now.

"I won't fall for it again."

Looking annoyed, Arlo left him there, slamming and locking the door. Moments later, he came back with a plate filled with food, and a glass of water.

"Eat." Arlo commanded, placing the plate and glass on top of a small table beside the bed.

"If I don't, what would you do?" John challenged the blond.

"I'm going to force it into your mouth, and make sure you swallow every bit of it."

John sighed in defeat, eating the food that Arlo made for him. It wasn't that bad, actually, the chicken was quite tasty, and both the potatoes and carrots were cooked just right. Eating was awkward though, because Arlo was just staring and watching him the whole time as he ate in silence.

Once he was done, Arlo left again, though he came back shortly. When he was back, he sat beside John on his bed.

Both of them were just sitting in silence, and John was waiting for what Arlo would do.

But then, Arlo leaned closer, his hands reaching John's head, fingers delicately touching his hair.

"Does it still hurt?"

"Not that much, but it still does. You pushed me way too hard. " John replied.

They were silent again, but Arlo was still stroking his hair. As much as John hated to admit, it wasn't a bad feeling.

But he hoped that Arlo would soon stop.

"Yesterday wasn't intentional... " Arlo said.

Why couldn't Arlo just bring himself to apologize? He've almost killed John...

"Of course it wasn't, you wouldn't want to damage your reputation as a King after all ."

Arlo sighed.

"John, why do have to hide your ability?" this was the first time that Arlo asked, but John didn't knew if he should answer or not.

He doesn't want to trust Arlo. If he opened up to him, the king would surely use it to break him even more. Yet somehow, a part of him hoped that Arlo would understand if he told him, and that Arlo would finally leave him alone.

"I don't want to repeat the same mistakes that I did, and I don't want to go through the same thing again. It's for the best. No one would get hurt..."

If you only knew Arlo, I was doing so fine, you just had to ruin everything.

"What do you mean? If you only revealed your ability the moment you came in, no one would go after you, they'd be looking up on you and treat you with respect. No one would be hurt!"

"It's not as simple as that!!" John snapped, "They'll only want to be with you because of your strength-- when you've thought that everything was real, they'll just stab you in the back! Betray you, use you and..."

John was trembling, he didn't want to explain any further. He even regret telling this to Arlo in the first place. What does he even know? Someone like him wouldn't understand John, he only belives in power, and his irrational and unfair hierarchy.

John was a monster. No one would want him if everyone knew. If Sera finds out, she would hate him too.

Fuck this tears. Crying in front of Sera was already enough, but to allow Arlo to see him like this?


"When can I go home?" John asked, attempting to change the topic as he wiped his tears with his hands, "You shouldn't have brought me here. Should have just brought me to the dorm instead."

Arlo stared with an expression John didn't know.

"Blyke wasn't at the dorm and I don't have the keys, he was attacked recently. " Arlo said softly.

John laughed, and Arlo didn't liked how forced it was, "You must me blaming me for that too. If you won't believe me, fine. I'll take the blame."

"You can do what you want with me, but please... Don't drag Sera into this."

The dark haired man didn't really believed that Arlo liked Sera but, Arlo have touched him, and he even bit John's neck. If Arlo could do it to John, who knows what he could do to his friend? Arlo have played John before, and although Arlo was much less hostile today, he still shouldn't forget the things that the blond has done to him.

The King's Game With The Joker : Unordinary (Arlo x John) [Completed] Where stories live. Discover now