Part 25

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Jojo pov:
The next day, I didn't go to school because I had that appointment at the hospital. I told Nick that I would be okay and that he didn't have to come with me so he didn't miss any classes because of me. I mean, besides everything going on in our lives, we still had to make it through that semester. He only agreed after a long argument where I told him that he needs to take those classes.
So I took Aileen and went to the hospital. I had to wait in the waiting-room for a while when suddenly, my uncle came in. Oh fuck, no. I was hoping that he hadn't seen me. Jokes on myself, of fucking course he had. 'You fucking asshole!', he screamed, getting all the attention from the patients and nurses. He was obviously drunk and bleeding on his head. 'You are coming home with me, you fucking little slut!' Ouch. That one hurt. 'Forget it', I said calmly. I shouldn't have. He lifted his fist, just a moment before he punched me in the face. I fell down onto the floor, trying to protect Aileen. He managed to kick me five more times in my stomach before the other people got him off of me. One of the nurses called the police. God damnit, that was gonna be a hell of a day. After a doctor checked the stabwound and took care of my bleeding nose, the police asked me to come with them to the police station.
They asked me lots of questions like:
How do you know this man? What about your parents? How long has this been going on? What exactly did he do to you? Where did you go to after that? Do you want to take proceeding against him?And a lot more. Of course I told them that I insisted on taking proceeding against him. I wanted him to go to jail. They told me that the process would be on Sunday and that I had to state as a victim.
I came home from the police station when it was 5:37 p.m. and Nick was already home. 'Hey, I'm sorry it took so long, I was at the police station.' 'What? Why's that?', he asked worried. 'Well, my uncle showed up at the hospital and beat me again, people saw and called the police on him. They consulted me and asked a lot of questions. The legal process against him is on Sunday.' 'That's good , I guess. So, how's your wound?' 'The doctor said that it'll be fine soon. I don't have to go there for checkup until July.' I fed Aileen and played with her a little. Then I put her to bed. 'We need food for the weekend. Do you want to go to the mall tomorrow?', Nick said and sat down on his bed next to me. 'Sure, why not?' I smiled at him. He put his arm around me and pulled me into his arms, onto his bed. 'Dude, by the way, how the heck do you have those abs, I have never seen you work out', I giggled shyly. 'Well, I guess it's from my gambling time. I worked out like hell back then. I wouldn't have had a chance of being taken serious there. It's a hard business, that's for sure. But I still do push-ups and sit-ups from time to time. But it's cute that you mention this.' And there I was again, a blushing mess. 


Sorry for not updating all that much, I'll try and do better, guys🙏

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