Louis- Embarassing or not?

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Heyyo!~ I would just like to say thank you to all the people who read my Imgaines:) love lots!x -Jem


There was a program at your school and your bestfriend Louis Tomlinson was going to perform.

When the first performance was done it was his turn.

For a second he didn't speak and there was silence. Then finally, he spoke and he looked nervous.

Louis: Uhmm...I would like to dedicate this song to my bestfriend, (Y/N)" (He smiled and looked a t you)

The first beat of the sog played and it was familiar to you. It was "Lucky" by Jason Mraz.

"Lucky Im in love with my bestfriend, lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky to be coming home again.."

While he sings that part his eyes were glued to you the whole time. His voice was so unique and wonderful. You fell in love with him even more.

When the song ended he spoke again. "To my bestfriend, (Y/N). Thank you for being a big inspiration in my life....." Then you heard "aww"'s from the people. "Uhmmm..I would just like to take this chance to tell you how I feel about you.." he paused for a while and took a breath."I know we've been friends since we were young and I would like our friendship to take it to the next level...could you be my girl and be mine forever?"

You were shocked and very happy at the same time because your bestfriend likes you back. Everyone was clapping and howling like it was just a show. Tears of happiness streamed down your face. You stood up and breathed for air. You went up the stage and kissed Louis on the lips. "That's for embarassing me and yourself by confessing infront of this people." You said almost laughing. You leaned forward again and kissed him. "And this is for my answer which is...YES!" He smiled widely and was blushing. You were also blushing so much. He cupped your face and pullled you closer and kissed you.

You two didn't care if their were alot of teachers and people watching the both of you. As long as the person you really love was infront of you and you know that he will be yours and you will be his FOREVER. You both pulled away and said "I Love You!" at the same time. You heard "awwws" and "clapping" from the people who were watching.

That wasn't the embarassing moment in your life, it was the BEST!:)



IF YOU DID LIKE IT, PLEASE VOTE,COMMENT(so i'll know your feedbacks and comment about it) and FAN! THANK YOU:)x -Jem

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