Liam- 1st Anniversary

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HIt was your's and Liam's 1st Anniversary today. When you got home from work, you were greeted by the boys except for Harry. You asked them where Harry is, but they all just shrugged. You were worried that maybe he forgot what day it is today. You fished for your phone in your pocket and dialed his number.

He was out of reach.

Maybe he turned off his phone? You thought.

You asked Louis if he had any ideas where he went off but he really doesn't know. Then he said

"don't worry love. He won't forget this big day."

Your worry subsides from what he had said.

"He loves you so much. He'll never forget it" he added.

You hugged Louis and whispered "Thank You." You sat on the table and waited.

Your worry came back and you were thinking of alot of possibilities of what could've happened to him. It was 10pm and still he hasn't arrive.

Finally, you heard the door unlock and he saw you. But he just ignored you and ran upstairs. You were hurt because he ignored you and didn't even bother to say 'Hey babe, Happy Anniversary' tears were forming from your eyes but you held it back. Suddenly, you felt someone from behind you wrap a blindfold on your eyes. You were happy because he didn't really forget.

"I have a surprise." He whispered in your ear.

You smiled widely when you heard the word surprise. He took your hand and led you to the place where the surprise is. He led you to the elevator and it went up. You were starting to get curious what the surprise is. But at the same time very excited. Finally the elevator stopped. He led you out and he slowly removed your blindfold. You gasped, because in front of your two eyes there stood a shed. From the outside it was wonderful. It was wrapped with lights and rose vines. It was a marvelous sight to see. You looked back at him and you were speechless. You lean in to him and gave him a kiss. After kissing he whispered

"I can't wait for you to see the inside."

He took your hand again and walked in the shed. It was 5x wonderful in the inside. At the center there was a table for two. It was surrounded with roses and different kinds of flowers. You both walked to a cleared path. He pulled the chair for you to sit. He sat opposite from you. He then brought out a boquet of your favorite flower.

"Happy 1st Anniversary!" He said Happily.

"I thought you would forget" you said, tears of happiness forming in your eyes.

"Why would I forget such day. This was the best day that i've ever had. The day that you became mine. And soon will be mine forever."

You blushed and thought 'so this is what he has been doing the whole day.' You smiled at that thought and leaned in again for a kiss. Then suddenly there were four figures standing at a small stage. It was Niall, Zayn, Harry & Louis. Louis tapped the mic and started singing. They sang your favorite song. After the song you mouthed 'thank you' to the four of them. Then Liam stood up from his seat and went to the stage. "I would like to dedicate this song to you" he said. Looking straight in your eyes. You blushed again.

"Don't try to make me stay, or ask if Im okay. I don't have the answer..."

During the whole song his eyes were only looking at you. After Irresistible, he sang another song. Little Things. During the song you almost cried, because the song was really emotional. He went back to you and pulled out his hand and asked

"Mind to dance with me, m'lady?."

You giggled and took his hand. You two danced to a slow song. Your head on top of his shoulder. His hand at your waist. That was a very perfect moment. And also the best and most unforgettable one. After the song, he lifted up your head and kissed you. Fireworks were booming in the sky. The kiss lasted for a minute then you pulled back.

"I love you" you said.

"I love you too" he said.

"Forever" he added.

You leaned in again and kissed him. This time passionately. That was the best time of your life.

~End Of Imagine~

2nd Imagine for the day! :) So guys thank you for reading all my imagines. Stay tuned for more! Hope you really like it :) Don't forget to VOTE, Comment and FAN!

And also get ready for Louis' Birthday tomorrow <3


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