Niall- The Name

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In this imagine Niall and his mom were talking:) so yeah.. just imagine them talking about YOU:")

just that you won't get confuse:)x -Jem


It was Niall's cousin's birthday party today. It was a lazertag party. Then his mom was mentioning all the names of people who are going.


Niall: Wait! Did you just say (Y/N)!?

Mom: Yup.

Niall: Omg she's going i can't wait to see her.

Mom: Is she the girl you were talking about the whole night after your party?

Niall: Yeah! She's amazing and i just can't take my eyes of her.

Mom: My boy is in lllove with (Y/N).~ *winks*

Niall: Am not!! ( He denied)

Mom: Yes you are, i know you Niall when you're in love.

Niall: okay mom i admit it im in love with (Y/N) head over heels! I can't wait to see her and this time i will really talk to her the whole day:)

Mom: I bet she also likes you *winks*

Niall: Yeah i hope she does like me.. I know she's really the right girl for me, mum!

Mom: I bet she is. I can't wait to meet (Y/N), your future girl and future wife. *laughs* Just kidding, love!

Niall: Mum~!*blushes*


Awww he's blushing. Can you imagine that, Niall blushing whenever he hears your name:) This imagination is actually true cause during the weekend i saw my crush during my brother's party, so i got inspired:) and while me and my mom were in the car this happened to me..hahaha! im blushing right now!:">


Thanks!xx -Jem


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