The Forbiden Cave

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One day in the Order hall. Jesse, Lluna, Lukas, Radar, Jack, and Nurm were hanging out in the Order hall. They were talking about how busy it's been lately. 

Male Jesse: Man it's been busy lately. 

Radar: I know... 

Lukas was wearing his Normal Jacket from Season 1.

Lukas: I cannot wait for a break. 

Jack: Me too. 

Nurm: *Mumbles* 

Lluna: *Snorts*

Male Jesse: C'mon Guys. Lets go see Stampy and Stacy. 

Lukas: Okay. 

*They go see Stampy and Stacy*

Male Jesse: Hey Stampy. Hey Stacy. Hey-- Dan? Anthony?

Dan: Hey Jesse. Hey Lukas.

Male Jesse: Hey Guys.

Lukas: I'm supprise you guys are hear. 

Anthony: Its a long story.

Stampy: We found them in a strange cave...

Male Jesse: Where is this cave? 

Stacy: C'mon. 

Jack: Okay. 

Jesse, Lukas, Radar, Lluna, Jack, Nurm, Dan, Anthony, Stampy, and Stacy go in the mines to look for the strange cave. 

Radar: Oh my god. This cave is creepy... 

Male Jesse: I know... 

Stampy: I can't believe we have to go back hear...

Stampy was scared...

Stacy: There's the Cave... 

Male Jesse: It looks creepy... 

Stampy: What I tell ya! What I tell ya! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!

Stampy ran back.... 

Stacy: Omg... 

Male Jesse: Lets be careful. 

They walked in the Cave. But Stampy ran back to find Nell so he can have help. Back in the Cave Jesse, Lukas, Lluna, Radar, Jack, Nurm, Stacy, Dan, and Anthony were exploring the Cave. 

Male Jesse: What is this? *Picks up the Spawn Egg* 

Lukas: Looks like a spawn egg. 

Male Jesse: And it's green. 

Lukas: Maybe a creeper egg? 

Stampy and Nell went in the Cave... 

Nell: Hey dudes... 

Male Jesse: hey Nell. hey Stampy. 

Nell: This cave is creepy. 

Unknown Voice: hello Jesse...

Male Jesse: Who said that? 

Lukas: No Idea... 

Radar: I have a bad feeling about this... 

Unknown Voice: You should... Because I am hear... 

Male Jesse: Just show yourself! 

the Guy who was talking was Aiden... 

Aiden: Hello Jesse... 

Male Jesse: Aiden? 

Aiden was holding a spawn egg. 

Lukas: But how? 

Aiden: You see... After you'd pushed me off the island off Sky City. I thought of nothing but you. 

Male Jesse: Me? 

Aiden: And the rest of your stuiped gang... 

to be contenude...

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