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I'm posting this now since I thought I would see about the response this gets. Since there are only very few chapters of Tribrid Salvatore left, I don't think this is too soon. Anyway, I might wait to post more until I actually finish Tribrid but we'll see how it goes.

I hope you like this. Also, the cover (like most of the covers I have) was made by Brookie Twiling. I constantly forget to shout her out and that's my bad but I really do appreciate everything she did for me so far.



Thea looked out of her bedroom window silently, waiting for her father's truck to leave. Ever since Mason started to hang out with Jules and her... pack, they were the most important thing in his life along with his girlfriend. Thea didn't really like Kathy, the older woman didn't feel right somehow. Mason practically forgot that Thea existed most of the time and he didn't even notice when she stopped talking altogether. The only person who was taking an interest in her was Brady. The older werewolf scared her... He was so aggressive and hurt her more often than not. That's why – as soon as Mason was gone – the sixteen-year-old ran for her bed. She pulled out the bag she had packed some time ago and quickly threw in some more things. There weren't many things that she wanted to take. Only a few changes of clothes, her laptop along with the school stuff she had, the stuffed animal that her mother had bought for her before she was born and a photo album.

Before leaving the room, Thea looked around one last time, a tear falling from her face as she remembered all the fun she had with her dad when she was younger. He had been the most amazing father that she could have wished for but now? Now he was only interested in being with his friends, shoving his daughter aside for it. Maybe he was trying to make up for lost time since he had to change diapers and take care of a newborn instead of partying when he was younger.

A hand trailed over the furniture as she passed it, smiling as the memories played inside of her head. Thea had been thinking about running away ever since Brady started to... She shook herself, trying to get the images out of her head. She wouldn't let that weigh her down anymore. This was for herself... For once, Thea was going to be selfish and do something that felt right to her. She had always tried to be a good child for her father because she knew that he was struggling. With the gene, with the loss of her mother and with the fact that his brother didn't want to see him anymore. He had enough on his plate without adding a teenager with more issues than she was worth.

"I'm sorry, daddy," Thea mouthed, placing the letter she had written down on the coffee table in the living room before leaving the house. She had a long way to go and no clear destination... Thea had been thinking of going to her cousin in Mystic Falls but she wasn't sure whether they would send her straight back here. She hadn't seen Tyler or her aunt and uncle in over five years and she was scared that they wouldn't want her to be there. A part of her was scared that she would be sent right back to her father whether it be by the police or by her family but Thea was willing to take the risk. Anything to get away from... him. Thankfully, she was going to online school since she had gotten bullied pretty badly, so no one would know that she was gone until her father got back home... Whenever that was. To be honest, Thea would rather go to jail than to spend more time around the man who was making her life miserable.


It took her over a day but she finally made it. After six busses and a rather long hike from Charlottesville to Mystic Falls, Thea was exhausted and dirty but she felt freer than she had in months.

The sixteen-year-old licked her lips nervously, looking around the town she had visited so many years ago. Back then, the girl had come here every summer to spend time with her other family. She had no idea what happened but five years ago, Mason had a falling out with his brother about something and they never went back again. Mystic Falls still looked mostly the same. The Grill was still there and the Town Hall was the same glaring white that she was used to. Some stores seemed to have closed and others opened but it was nothing that she noticed too much. Thea swallowed nervously, quietly opening the door to the Grill. She froze when she saw how many people were in here. There were a lot of students which wasn't surprising, seeing as it was already around four in the afternoon.

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