T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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"Where are we going?" I asked Jonah as we walked hand in hand down the sidewalk of this random small city. My jacket was blowing in the wind as I admired the little lights that hung from building to building that lit up the entire place.

"It wouldn't be a surprised if I told you, now would it?" He have a soft laugh, looking me in the eye and smiling his usual bright smile.

"You do realize this is like every book where the girl gets asked out by a guy she would never suspect would actually have any true feelings for her and takes her to some romantic place and they live happily ever after, right?" I joked, trying to make conversation so our walk to our destination wasn't as quiet as it would probably be.

He stopped walking to grab my other hand and face me. "You don't think my feelings for you are genuine?"

I bit the inside of my cheek and squirmed uncomfortably. I do admit that I truthfully have no idea why or how Jonah has any feelings for me. Why would someone as perfect as him be attracted to someone as broken as I was - and still am?

Instead of answering, I just shrugged, not knowing how to get the words from my thoughts to my mouth.

He shook his head before leaning in to place a soft kiss on my lips before pulling away to smile. "If I'm being honest, Brin, I don't think I've ever felt this way about somebody before and it's such a scary thought. But I'm ready to make sure what is going on between us lasts, as long as you are."

"I've been ready." I smiled.

"Good, now lets go!" Jonah started running now, pulling me along by our intertwined hands.

We ran past building after building and person after person, occasionally getting some dirty glances from people we accidentally bumped into.

Finally, we arrived at a small restaurant that was lowly crowded and entered. We headed to a small both in the corner of the diner. It reminded me of the Pop's in Riverdale.

We ordered our food and just sat in silence, taking in the fact that after months of hiding our feelings, we were finally here on our first official date.

"I can't believe you're real." Jonah broke the silence, causing me to look up to already find him staring at me with a smile.

I gave him a confused look, "What do you mean? Of course I'm real?"

He shook his head with a laugh, "You know that's not what I meant. No, I meant that I can't believe that somewhere in this world, someone like you just happened to exist. And you just happened to be the one who I accidentally texted. I don't think I've ever been so happy for that one single mistake I had made. It was probably the best mistake anybody could ask for."

This boy. This boy would probably have to be one of the best things that had ever happened to me. He has brought so much happiness and relief into my life. He had been the one that saved me from spiraling into sadness, a deep dark sadness that I don't believe I would've been able to escape from.

"I think I love you." Is all I said, but certainly did mean it.

He stared at me with wide eyes at the words that had just come out of my mouth. Words that are so simple, yet hold so much meaning.

"It's too soon, I know." I looked down in embarrassment as I continued, "I don't know. I guess I have never cared so much about someone as I do you. You are basically the happiness that somehow wandered into my life. You are one of the best things that have ever happened to me and I can't be anymore great full for that one accidental text you sent. I know it's cheesy, but I mean all that I said. I really do think that I love you."

He leaned in close to me to where he was right by my ear. "Don't worry, I love you too."



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♥️21k | 💬11k | 👥brinfirley jonahmarais wdwteandmore; okay but can we talk about how cute these two are? i absolutely love their relationship and i hope they actually last

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♥️21k | 💬11k | 👥brinfirley jonahmarais
wdwteandmore; okay but can we talk about how cute these two are? i absolutely love their relationship and i hope they actually last. let's talk about the fact that brin is obviously on tour with them also!!

view all 11k comments

user; how did you get these?
user; i was wondering the same thing
wdwteandmore; some anonymous source sent it into us

bbyali; hi! i'm sure brin and jonah would appreciate it lots if you took this down and left them alone for awhile:)
user; oh fuck off ali
user; we only like you because of brin so go mind your own business!!
user; ^hypocrite much?😂
ashtonroberts; love how my girlfriend trying to stick up for our best friend just caused her to get more hate

user; i don't ship🤷🏼‍♀️

(a/n) word count; 837
haha idk why this is and i'm sorry for not updating often

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