The Fault In Our Fandoms

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Before we get down to business, I want to apologize for starting with this intro. But I feel like we all need an intro, so we know what's coming. An intro to life would be nice, especially entering the teenage angsty years.

Or even an intro to the fandom world, and the dangers. Because once you enter a fandom... There's no coming back! You will forever experience the case of the feels, lose all need for sleep, food, and education... because in your mind, Hogwarts is your school. 

Hogwarts is love. Hogwarts is life.

Oh I just got a nasty vision of that Shrek video...


I feel like there should be a Terms & Conditions for entering a fandom. I mean, it's true, you get overly attached to characters, and when they die a freaking riot happens! Or even have a pamphlet on different ways to die as a fangirl. Exploding of the feels, is one way. 

I think, before we continue with anything, all fangirls and fanboys MUST read this:


Do you, as a teenager with a long life ahead of you, agree to give up all hope at a social life or being considered 'normal'.

Agree to learn the language of all fangirl(s)/fanboy(s) including words suchs as 'perf' or 'asdfghjkl' and nonsense phrases such as 'I can't even omg'.

Agree to learn how to make appropriate and witty fandom references at least 3 times a day.

And finally, agree to recommend to books that ruined your life to all people that you meet.

Sign your name here if you agree to these Terms & Conditions ____________

Now that that's out of the way...

Get ready to read some posts from tumblr, facebook, or just thoughts in general that may get your feels going or thoughts rolling, rants, and other fandom-related stuff. Please make sure that you're prepared mentally and physically. 

Let's get our feels on!


Enjoy your stay.

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