Meet maya "the fun loving, sweet girl"

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Maya's pov

"Yaar cant you just allow me to sleep a bit more, seriously its only 8 'o' clock"... When i started turn around and close my eyes once more thaijee poured water on my face...."uhhh stop it aunty" i started screaming.

Actually i was dreaming of being graduated as a doctor...

It was an amazing dream, in my dream i wore a scethes cope and a doctor's coat, that's when thaijee poured water on me. I just sat lazily at the edge of my bed still mermerized thinking about my dream.
Sorryyyy... I just forgot to tell you guys about myselffff...

And here i go... Iam maya maheshwar 18 years old daughter of the great vijaya maheshwar a politician and a businessman and my mother sujithra maheshwar passed away when i was just 10 years old, it was my mothers last wish to make me a doctor.

Our maheswar family is very famous and people respects and fears our family. I have got an elder sister who is 22 studying business administration, and is very ambitious like me. My father has an elder brother and two younger brothers, and are staying with their families with us, so i have got 3 Aunty's and 6 cousins, thus we are a great joint family.

Everyone loves and cares me a lot as iam the youngest one in the family, and supports me in achieving my dream.

Readers pls note- its just a starting friends the story will get into your like soon..... "Let our sweet heroin and arrogent hero meet😊"

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