~Chapter 5~

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            It's been a week since the murders, and all has been quiet. I have recently started taking medications for my anxiety and depression. Megatron caught me taking both medications. "Didn't the doctor say not to take them at the same time or even every hour?"

"Megatron, I'd rather die of an overdose than have him kill me." I said miserably.

"Within the time he gave you those pills you have really gone down hill." Knockout spoke out.

"I don't care! I'll be happy if Optimus knows I'm dead!" I cried out.

            At that very moment, I just didn't care about anything. For all I care Optimus could just come back and kill me, and no one will ever know who he once loved. Except for himself.

"I would love to see his cold, hatred face when he sees my dead, lifeless body. I want to hear his cries of sorrow, calling out my name and cursing himself for my death." I said with no emotion.

"Crystal what is wrong with you?" Ratchet asked.

            Ratchet had came to check up on me, and he visits every few days. Each time he would see me fall more and more down the wrong rabbit hole.

"Ratchet, I give up. He is never going to come back as a fully changed cybertronian. The one I once knew." I mumbled.

"There is no try, only do. So you must keep fighting and never lose yourself." Ratchet said, trying to help me.

"Wow, you sound like that wise guy in Star Wars!" I snapped.

            I stormed out, and went to my room to get ready for work. I put on my favorite teal and pink, tie-dye shirt, and I put on a pair of jeans. I then called my work place.

"He- Hello Bec?"

'Crysta, Are you coming in today? The kids have been asking for you.'

"Aww, Tell them I will see you all soon."

'Sure thing, Crysta! Also how's everything going at home?'

            I froze, thinking about my mental issues, the murders. Everything. "Ok, but I may be a bit different."

'Understandable, you have been dealing with a lot.'

"Well you better let me go." I hung up and put my phone in my shoulder bag. I grabbed my wallet, a jacket, and whatever else I needed. I then left my room and I walked past knockout on my way to the kitchen.

"Knockout your taking me to the orphanage." I said bluntly.

"Alright m'lady." He said in a sly tone.


            Outside, Knockout drove out the garage and his front passenger door was open. I hopped in and his holoform appeared in the driver's seat. Then we left. We past all the houses in my neck of the neighborhood. And then we started passing small groups of trees here and there until we came to a rather large house. On a sign it read:

'The Shining Orphanage'

            He opened the door for me and I got out. I walked up to the door and used the spare key to get in. Knockout left once I was inside.


            When I got into the house, I was bombarded with children who were between the ages of 5-12. The kids were excited to see me after not showing up for about 2 weeks. A little girl wrapped around my left leg.

"Hello Emmy." I said.

            All the little girl did was giggle and beem a large smile at me. Her Emerald green eyes staring into my blue ones. Another kid wrapped around my right leg. He beemed a smile at me as well. His dew-grey eyes also staring into my blue ones.

"Hello Dewy" I said.

            You see the kids are very fond of me and my adventure stories. Dewy, which it is short for Dewight was a kid who adored me as if I was his mother. And Emmy, which is short for Emerald was a kid who always begged me for romantic stories.

            Finally the little hippy girl who was jumping around in front of me is Hibbie, which is short for Hibsica. She always wore mini hibiscus in her long, red-orange hair. Which gave her the name Hibisca. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitment.

"Hi my little flower. How are you three doing?" I asked, with a small smile on my face.

"Good Aunt Crysta!" The trio giggled.

            These three children have a special connection with me because there parents left them on my door step. I raised them with the help of my best friend Bec (short for Rebecca).

"So... what would you three like to do?" I asked the trio.

"PARK!" They shouted, loudly, in my ears.


            At the park I watched the Trio run and chase each other around the playground. I watched Dewy toss a frisbe to Emmy and it landed into the woods nearby. I didn't think anything was gonna happen, until I heard the screams of Emmy.

            I ran into the woods, jumping over prickle bushes, and thorny vines. I heard deep and staticy, malicious laughter. Too many thoughts were running through my mind as I ran to save Emmy. The laughter kept getting louder as I ran closer, and so did the yelps and screams of Emmy.

"Emmy! I'm coming!" I yelled in panic.

Then I came to a clearing, and in that clearing stood a shadowy figure. It stood on the other side of the small clearing. In its hand was a squirming, crying, screaming, Emmy. My eyes widened by the figure's appearance. It's red eyes staring at me with scary intentions.

'This can't be happening...'

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