~Part 2- Chapter 2~

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Ratchet was the first up, he had received a call from me. Now I was extremely panicked, the only thing he heard me say was 'He-- Its Optimus...'  Ratchet rushed to my home, and its was true, Optimus was there. Ratchet's holoform rushed out of his vehicle form and into the house.

When Ratchet looked around, he landed on Megatron and Optimus' holoforms all tied up and sitting on the floor. Ratchet looked over to the couch and found me, sitting there, my arms crossed over my chest.

"What in Primus' name happened here?!" Ratchet asked, shocked seeing two of Cybertron's strongest leaders all tied up.

"They were fighting over me. So I knocked them out and tied them up." I said with a smirk on my face.

Ratchet's face dropped in pure astonishment, he had never seen a human woman take down two Cybertronians so easily. It was quite unnatural, considering that I put Optimus in a coma for a year. Now Optimus is back and already picking up for lost time between him and me.

We heard a groan and we looked over at the two who are tied up, it was Optimus who is just now waking up from when I knocked him out. He looked around and landed on me and Ratchet. He wanted so badly to jump up and hug me, but he realized that he was tied up.

"Why am I tied up?" Optimus said questioningly.

"I tied you up, I didn't want you to beat the life out of Megatron." I said as I walked over and untied him.

Optimus lifted his hands up and rubbed away the marks the rope left on his wrists. Then he got up, (with my help). The mood of the room suddenly changed, Optimus took my hand other hand in his and he gazed into my ocean blue eyes. I looked into his electric blue ones, and I could see that he remembers all the wrong and hurt he had caused a year ago.

"Crystal, I have made many ill fated choices in the past, I almost killed you, I almost destroyed the town. I am ashamed of all those I have killed in the process." Optimus was close to breaking down, I have never seen this side of him in those years that I have known him.

"Optimus, something was making you do this, I was the only one who believed it." I said.

"B-but I saw you, and you were scared. You feared me, Crystal." Optimus was completely broken down.

I hesitated to hug him, but I did anyways. I knew he needed it and after all the time he had been controlled, along with his year-long sleep. I felt terrible for thinking that killing him was the best way to save him.

"Optimus, I-I I almost killed you actually. I shot three bullets into your head causing you to go into a coma for a whole year, and now your back and wake." I said as I broke the hug and stood a foot away from him.

His sad facial expression dropped to that of pure shock, he had no idea. He thought someone had knocked him out and forced him into stasis lock. It was the other way around, I caused him to go into stasis lock for a year due to head injuries that I caused.

"Crystal... I had no thought of you being the one to cause me to go into stasis lock." Optimus said as he took a step closer to me and gently grabbed my shoulders.

I was forced to look at him, and I haven't seen so much compassion and care in him for so long. I felt guilty for almost taking his life away, and I never realized how much I missed this side of him. It made my eyes water to think about how I missed the real Optimus Primes.


"Your gonna shoot me?!" I sneared.

Out of nowhere Ratchet comes swinging in and punched me in the face, creating a distraction, so that pathetic human girl can shoot me in the head.


All you heard were three shots fired, and the sound of burning flames all around. My body tensed up, my eyes went wide and then they flickered. My sight becoming blurry here and there. My body fell to the ground, its seemed as if I was going to die, and in that moment I clearly saw her face.

"Thank.... You Crysss- taall...." My voice fizzled and cracked with the darker voice along with my original, kind voice.

~flashback ends~

Optimus grabbed me and hugged me, I was confused by his actions. I wasn't sure whether he was just doing it to make me feel better to make himself feel better. I couldn't tell at all.

"Crystal, I can't believe you did that. I am the one at fault for putting you in that situation. I should have died, but I didn't." He sobbed.

Ratchet and I didn't think that this side of Optimus was real, but a crying Optimus, that was never seen before. It's so new and startling, we both knew he cares about humans and all. He never did this if any had been almost killed twice.

"I will take my leave then, and it appears that Megatron had already done the same." We looked over and he was gone, the ropes left over, sitting there limp like noodles.

"Well, we know ropes don't take Megatron down that easily." I slightly laughed.

The mood lightened a bit, Ratchet left, leaving me and Optimus alone in my large home. Optimus looked at me, his electric blue eyes stared at me. They shined like glass. I even saw that he still had tears in his holoform's eyes.

"Optimus, its ok. You are back as yourself, no one is controlling you anymore." I said sincerely.

All Optimus did was smile, it's the smile I haven't seen in a long time. I missed that smile of his, and it brought me relief, to know that our true leader its back. It brought me great joy as well.

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