~Part 2: Chapter 4~

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After Optimus' first mission he did quite well and is enjoying his new found life. The calm, balance of leading the team and the lovely life back with the girl he is fighting for. He loved her more than anyone could love a lone person. And he still does.

I once believed that he was a lost cause four years ago, and look where I am now, happy and healthy with the one who has been through literal hell and back. Even thinking about it is hard for everyone, so much has happened when he was gone. I guess he could tell that the town is all nice and like it wasn't even destroyed. Still, I worry that he's going to not be accepted by the team.

A sharp knock on my door startled me out of my thoughts. "Come in!" I yelled at the door.

"Crystal..." The familiar voice of Optimus filled the room.

"Optimus, how are things going?" I asked.

He hesitated, "Quite well, since I believe that everything is as good as it will get." A small smile appeared on his face.

I get up from my desk and walk over to him, his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms around his neck. I smiled widely.

"Back to the way things were before the horror." My expression dropped a bit.

"Don't worry, that won't ever happen again." Optimus' smile grew.

"You sure know how to make me smile Optimus." His smile grew even more.

I looked away for one second since I heard a commotion outside, I walked over to the east window. My friends, the team, the trio, everyone I knew was there. They all held signs that said, You go gurl, Good Luck, Lucky Girl, and so many more. I wondered what those meant, I was confused. Once I turned around Optimus had a box in his hand and him on one knee. I clasped my hands over my mouth in shock.

"You have been through so much Crystal, and you believed in me when no one would. I would be honored if you accepted me as what you humans call fiancé." His smile started to faulter since I didn't give him my answer right off the back.

My heart could possibly expload, I had never thought that after the horrors I whitnessed would later lead to this magical moment. I felt tears in my eyes and some rolling down my cheeks. It was such a wild moment that I just fell into his arms and crying tears of joy.

I whispered, "... Yes.." His smile brightened and he hugged me.

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A/N: Yes this is the end, I saw no better ending than a wonderful moment where love steals the show! And yes I am sorry that it wasn't longer than the previos chapter. I hoped you enjoyed this short story!! X3

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