~Chapter 7~

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 A/N: Sorry for not updating I was busy with writer's block and final exams. Finally its summer so more content!🤣

            I slowly awoke, a bright light blinding me. Once my vision cleared I heard beeps and the room was pretty much white. Was I in heaven? Did he actually kill me!?

I looked around and I saw a dull, white room, a bandage on my right hand. A band-aid on my right elbow holding a needle in my vein. A clear fluid dripping from a bag, into the tube that goes into my blood vein. Hospital.

            I looked around and I see a guy in a chair near my bed. I started to panic, I didn't know that man. The nurses were alerted to my panic.

“Ms. Reid, are you alright!?” A nurse asked.

“W-who is that man!?” I panicked.

“Ms. Reid, do you not know him? You should because he claims to be your boyfriend.” Another nurse said.

“No I don’t know him. That man is not my boyfriend, I haven’t had one in 7 years!” I claimed.

             The nurses looked at me with shock, and glared at the man. They woke him up, and once he was awake he instantly moved over to me. The nurses stared for a bit.

“Crystal… your awake…” The man said in a soft, but deep, and a bit scratchy tone.

            My eyes widened, it was him. Optimus was here, standing there, trying to comfort me. Earlier he had tried to kill me and he ended up knocking me out! I motioned for a nurse to force him to leave the hospital and its grounds entirely.

“Sir, Ms. Reid wishes for you to leave, at once.” One of the nurses said in a warning tone.

“Fine, but please let me speak with her one last time.” He asked.

The nurse nodded and he walked up to me, a blank expression on his face. I couldn’t tell if he was gonna cause a scene or really try to leave on a good note. His face was close to mine, and he kissed my forehead, it felt so light, like a butterfly was on me.

            When he pulled away, I looked into his eyes, they were inhumanly feral and dull. They didn’t hold that kindness and bright electric blue, they once had. He then went all crazy and caused a scene. He knocked out the nurses, and in a blur of blue-purple he jumped out the window of my room and disappeared.

Two doctors, a nurse and security guards ran in moments later. “Ms are you alright?!” A doctor asked me.

            I quickly nodded as they prepped my medical bed for transport. Then they rolled me to another room. They hooked me back up to everything and started to ask me questions.

“Ms. Reid, what happened?” A guard asked me.

“A man I once knew went crazy and knocked out the nurses, then jumped out the window." I said.


            While I was watching TV in my hospital room,  a man with a lab coat, tan pants, and grey-orange hair in a short ponytail, walked in.

"Crystal, I heard what happened. Are you ok?" The man asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine Ratchet. It was just the fear, and getting knocked out." I said.

"Who did this?" Ratchet asked.

            I wasn't sure if he really wanted to know who knocked me out and put me in this hospital bed. On the other hand, he might already know the culprit and want revenge.

"I'm too distraught to really say…" I lied. Even though I was really scared and should have said something.

"Your right, but I will ask you later. Plus I think I have an idea of who did this." He bluntly said.

            I was right, he did know who the culprit was. When I was about to say something the doctor came in.

"Ms. Reid… " he paused to look at my info sheet. "It says here that you suffered from a broken rib, a sprained ankle and wrist. There are also traces of opioids and other drugs in your blood."

            Ratchet stared at me in shock. He couldn't believe that I was taking drugs without needing them.

"Are you a drug addict or abused in any way?" The doctor asked.

I shook my head and said. "I suffer from depression, insomnia and paranoia."

            The doctor wrote down those things and asked Ratchet to step out with him. I heard they're muffled voices from behind the door.


"Sir, she needs therapy, she has been through a lot. I can tell." The doctor said.

"She has, and I will try my best to help her in any way I can." I said.

"How can you help her when she needs a therapist and a lot of medical attention?" He said.

"I'm a personal doctor, I stay with one patient until my assistance is no longer required." I shot back.

"Fine, I will give you instructions for everything that needs to be taken care of." The doctor said. Then we walked back in.

            A week later I was released from the hospital under strict instructions from Ratchet and the doctor. That means, whether I like it or not someone has to babysit me until I am healed. Even then I still have to go through therapy. Not my idea.

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