Chapter 6

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       Sakura sat up from the discomfort she ensued on herself for the past  3 weeks of sleep on the couch. It was Friday, her last work day until Monday....Looking up at the calendar, 'time flies so fast ' she thought.

She walked into her bedroom to the bathroom, eyes focused on anything but the bed that hasn't been touched in the span of those 3 weeks, it must have accumulated dust from her neglect of it but she didn't care......... she couldn't bare to even look at it.

  "Trying to ignore it won't change the fact that it happened and you were too weak to stop it"

she heard that voice again. She got used to it now and it has ever been present since that night. A sense of comfort was given to her by that voice knowing that she alone didn't know what had happened. but she never replied.

What would she say?

She stopped looking at herself for some time now........if she looked it would be harder to ignore what happened. She had less to say, her friends may have noticed her silence and lack of eating at their "get-togethers" once a mission was successfully completed, but didn't comment on it as a result of her snapping on Sai the last time her dark circles were mentioned. "Why would they care about something as weak as you?" She dressed for work in a slowed pace, her bones cracking and muscles stretched with the effort to coordinate with each other. Today seemed off she felt sicker than usual. Maybe she had a fever...she paid no mind to it as she slipped on her shoes and left for work, her breakfast ignored once again.

12:05 pm

The clock read over the door in her office. She was supposed to meet Ino at her flower shop to have lunch and a chat. It seems that the blond wanted some personal rendezvous with her childhood friend. It wasn't a secret anymore that Sakura was avoiding her best friend like the plague.....she just couldn't tolerate the nosy behavior of Ino, knowing her she would recognize immediately that Sakura was not ok. But Sakura knew she couldn't avoid the blonde forever...but that doesn't mean she couldn't lie through her teeth.

She sighed Walking out her office.

"Why aren't you eating Forehead?! you look like a stick! What's going on with you these days? I haven't seen you at all! Are you avoiding me Sakura?" Ino exclaims across the table as her eyes scrutinized Sakura as if she could see right through her. Sakura avoided her eyes "I'm not, I've just been busy at know how it is Ino pig," She tried to make her voice as steady as she could and gave Ino a fake smile. She didn't touch the lunchbox Ino prepared for her since she walked into the Floral Scented establishment.

"Then why aren't you eating..I prepared it for us..don't you like it?" Ino asked eyes downcasted.

Sakura, feeling the atmosphere drop immediately picked up her chop sticks and shoveled the rice into her mouth. Ino looked Satisfied because of this but doubt shown in her eyes brightly.

"So Sakura...any Hubby arising in your busy agenda?" Ino tried to make the air lighter. "I don't see how you don't feel the eyes on you walking through the village!" She continued.

"Ino....I'm just not interested in anybody at the moment plus I don't have time for relationships,"

Sakura continue to eat the egg-rolls trying to make an excuse to not further the topic, even as her hands shook on her chop sticks. This was unknown to her blonde bestfriend as she looked to be in her own world fantasizing at the chances of Sakura having a chance at romance again. 

"Oh c'mon Sakura you have to get out there more...we aren't getting younger and who would want a large wrinkled forehead?" Ino snided.

"Well I don't know how Sai can put up with a pig, its a wonder how he hasn't presented you with an apple in your mouth on Christmas," Sakura exchanged without a beat later.

On Sakura's third egg-roll she felt her stomach turn rapidly and a light headed sensation hit her full on. She nearly doubled over on the table but stabilized herself with her hands. 

"Are you ok Sakura? You don't look so good!" Ino was about ready to get out of her seat.

"No its ok I'm just going to the bathroom real quick." She rushed out of her seat with a quick wave of her wrist for Ino to stay where she was.

She knew the way to the bathroom having known Ino for so long. She rushed into the Lavender scented bathroom and b-lined it for the toilet, throwing the seat up she vomited  all of the contents of her lunch 'So much for lunch' she thought as she dry heaved after minutes of emptying her stomach.  

She leaned her head against the wall at the side of her, the cold white tile comforting the headache that was beginning to surface. She sighed 'Damn'

After cleaning herself up she walked to Ino who had a worried look on her face.

"Are you ok Sakura? Was it my cooking? OMG Sakura! I'm so sor-" Her rant was interrupted by Sakura placing her hand on her shoulder.

"Its not your cooking Pig, Its ok I just had a stomach but its nothing serious...Look at the time I have to go back to work." Ino hugged her tightly.

"Ok Forehead just..please..take care of yourself Sakura, you would tell me if you weren't ok wouldn't you?" She whispered the last part. The raw emotion in her voice  shocking Sakura, a tear almost slipped out. She turned to the door before Ino could see her clouded eyes and nodded and rushed out. 

'Its nothing..It was just a stomach bug' She thought.

"Surprise Surprise"

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