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"The eye....
It may not lie, but don't think for a moment that it can't be lying too.
Seeing, is believing...
But is it truth?
People see the Allies as noble robin hoods. Are they?"

 Are they?"

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"Or are they common thieves

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"Or are they common thieves...? Depending on your point of view.
Here's what you know.

They robbed a bank in Paris from a stage in Las Vegas. They fleeced an insurance magnate of hundreds of millions of dollars and then fled, disappearing from a roof in New York...
...Always showering their devoted fans with money.
Here's what you don't know.

They left one man behind...
Holding the bag."

"Me," Vladimir's slightly static voice can be heard, emitted from the speaker of the laptop, the orange suit adorning his body showing he was indeed a prisoner, "are you listening, Allies? When you re-emerge— and you will— I will be there, waiting," The Romanian's red eyes stare blankly into the camera, slight fangs poking from between his lips as he speaks. Despite the monotone voice, his orbs show a certain glint of something— amusement, regret? It was hard to tell, "Because mark my words, you will get what's coming to you— in ways you can't expect— but what you very much deserve. Because if there's one thing I believe in, it's an eye for an eye..." The screen of the electronic device glitches, stopping just for a split second. But a split second was enough to reveal the Romanian's blank features suddenly light up, his eyes shining as his lips twitch up in a smirk. It glitches, emitting static sounds and screeches before coming to a stop.

It was blank.
It was dark.
The screen had stopped working.
All traces of the previous video, gone.



"God damn it...!" A voice huffs out, combat boot-clad feet slamming onto the damp and muddy ground as they sprint. A woman with silky, (H/L) (H/C) hair and a dark hooded cloak over their head takes in deep breaths as she peeks over her shoulder for a moment, growing frustrated at the persistence of the people following her. She turns back, coming to an abrupt stop as she lets out a gasp. In front of her, a dead end.

Now You See Me [2] | Hetalia - Allies x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now