Chapter 6

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Arthur whirls around to face the doors as he hears them click open, eyes widening, 'Someone hacked the code we put in the locks!' He silently curses to himself, panic flaring in his chest.

"And now, for the big reveal," you could practically hear the smirk in the artificial, glitching voice of the hologram on screen, "about the sixth ally—the leader," Arthur's head swarms with thoughts, growling under his breath as he follows the agents storming through the doors and towards the stage, "and he's the biggest criminal of them all... FBI Agent, Arthur Kirkland." Half of the retreating audience stop and gasp at the sudden information, a single stage light flicking on once more and landing on the Brit who stands in the midst of the crowd in alarm.

"What?!" Michelle gasps. Ludwig takes no hesitance in grabbing the identified male and shoving him against the nearest wall, clasping his hands behind his back and restraining him with a pair of handcuffs.

"I knew it..!" The German murmurs to himself with a sharp glare directed towards the former trusted agent.

Arthur winces at the harsh treatment before sighing, "This is so much deeper than you know, boss," he warns, "you think you're looking at one thing, but you have no idea—"

"Who are you?" Michelle questions with a face of disbelief and betrayal. Arthur looks at her from over his shoulder, shaking his head slightly.

"The same man I've always been," as Ludwig pulls him off the wall, the Brit's hands cuffed behind his back, Arthur makes eye contact with the other agents, giving them an apologetic look, "boys, I'm sorry—truely."
He flicks his hands forwards where a click is heard, lifting his free hands in front of him, no longer restrained by handcuffs. Ludwig moves to tackle him only to jolt back. His eyes widen, seeing his wrist cuffed to the pole of the built seats by the stage and struggles to pull himself away. Arthur swiftly nicks another pair of handcuffs from an agent and unlocks them before twisting himself in the middle of the group and joining their hands and a bundle, tangling their hands and chains together before locking the cuffs and bolting. Michelle shares a look of distress with her agents before turning to Ludwig who growls under his breath.

"Jou have got to be kidding me!"


Up on the roof of the building the group of illusionists dodge the numerous cement pieces and pipes on top of the slanted ventilations as they make their way to their pre-prepared escape route down a garbage chute tube that leads to their truck.
"We've gotta get to the chute!" Alfred yells, in front of the group atop the roof, "go!"

"We're working on it!" (Y/N) hisses back at him, coming up from behind to make sure the group stayed together.

"Aiya! Who were those guys, aru!?"

"Who cares?!" Francis fire back.

Ivan pushes them forwards, "Come on!"
Reaching the cargo point of the building, they climb up a ladder set over the gap between the two blocks and land on the other roof. Needing to be swift, Ivan stops and waits at the bottom of the ladder as (Y/N) climbs over the top, cussing herself under her breath for her choice in attire. The female notices the Russian who in turn, opens his arms. Knowing his intentions she takes in a breath before leaping from the ladder and into his embrace, eyes clenched shut as she makes contact with his chest before being set down.

"Thanks." She mutters, ignoring the light pink tint on her cheeks. Ivan smiles.

"Not a problem."

Alfred huffs as he reaches up and removed the mic from his ear, "How the hell could this happen? I thought Arthur had everything under control!"

"Mhmm. Apparently he didn't!" Francis deadpans sarcastically, fed up wth the American's chides and frustrated at the occurring events, "maybe you're zhe leak, Alfred. Where 'ave you been sneaking off to, hm?" He accuses, shuffling in his blazer to rid of his mice as well.

"Hey—don't you dare for a second suggest that I had—"

"I am not 'suggesting,' zhat's your..-"

"Ah! Shut up, aru!" Yao steps in between both of them, slapping them over the head and causing them to wince, "we need to go!"

"Lets get to the truck!" (Y/N) calls out, jogging towards the team with Ivan on her heels, "come on!" Their eyes widen at the reminder of the situation and they quickly follow the two, jumping down onto a lower roof top before climbing a set of metal pipes securing a thick, black tube in place, "stay together!"

"Move, move!" One after another, they swiftly slip into the tube and slide down their escape.

"Francis, come on, aru!"

"I'm coming!" It's not long before they notice something different, screams of adrenaline and shock filling the air at the steep slope of the tube as they slide down. Every few gaps in the top is a blue light that swirls in their vision, flashing—black and blue, black and blue as they fall, sliding so fast that the sentence uttered through the tube is muffled, yet it still reaches their ears.

Her eyes widen, an unfamiliar yet knowing feeling of what was happening filling her chest whilst her stomach drops, her voice barely heard over the others' as the noise echoes. But there is one word she can identify, 'sleep. Sleep. Sleep.' Is what the dark and monotone voice was uttering the further they slid down the tube, flashing blue light leaving them disoriented. Her heart thumps in panic.




"No!" She screams, clenching her eyes shut and slamming her hands over her ears in an attempt to block it out, "it's a trap!" She yells, "it's a trap!"
Her warning had either fallen deaf on ears or was simply too late before the others realised and began to squirm, hands slamming against the sides as their feet shuffle frantically beneath them, trying to get some form of friction to slow their decent or to find something to grab onto. Their voices over her own were overpowered as that one simple word was increased in volume.




She tried to block it out, "stop!" She cries out, "stop it!" Her eyes snap open as she claws at the tube walls desperately, "guys! I—" she looses her voice somewhere in her throat and instead lets out a scream as the tube comes to a sudden drop, their bodies thumping harshly against the thick plastic and disorienting them even more.




She ears ring as everyone's voices become distant, their yells of alarm fading as her eyes grow hazy. Every now and then the darkness would flash blue, the only other colour seen aside from the dark tube and the figure sliding below her. Her body grows sluggish and she struggles to fight it off, chest growing heavy—as does her head. Her legs grow limp whilst her hands pathetically graze the sides of the tube she slides in. She tries to speak, but nothing comes out. Eventually, her eyes grow heavy.




And they shut.

I actually enjoyed writing this one.
I hope you enjoyed!

(Not edited)
1220 words

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