Where the storm brings us

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Most stories involving boats seem to start with 'on a stormy night' but today, the night is rather calm. A gentle breeze blows creating small waves that brush past the mass of the ship. Fjord stands by the wheel, slight boredom taking over but in retrospect he couldn't just leave, someone had to man the ship and it was either going to be him, or his first mate, Beauregard who lazily swung her feet over the edge of the ship, a soft hum leaving her after a while of silence.

"Beau, how long are you going to sit there? Makin' me anxious" Fjord tapped his thumb against the edge of the wheel, lackluster if anything

"I'm not gonna fall off or anything fjord, I'm holding onto the railing-"

"Yes the railing we had to build after you fell in last time with Jester. Your lucky it was easy to pull you two out of the frigid waters" Fjord groaned in annoyance, but in the end glad when Beau finally picked herself up to head up the stairs an stand beside him

"Are you teasing Beauregard again?" Caduceus made his way up from below deck, holding a tray of tea, Jester quickly following having a plate of random treats she either made or purchased in the last town they were in.

"She didn't /mean/ to fall off the boat. Atleast we knew how to swim" Jester giggles, eating a doughnut herself after beau took one, only to playfully glare a moment at the comment

"Jessie please you say that like the whole thing wasn't planned-"

"It wasn't though"


"I think she wanted you to play along" Cad smiles, having of set the tray down and took to the wheel to let fjord take a seat on the steps and relax a moment, a cup in hand "well either way. We gotta keep our eyes out for that island"

"The one that guy talked about with the treasure?...wait I thought we were taking a break!" Jester pouts, halfheartedly eating her treat just thinking about having to push their little vacation more days away then before

"We will but we should take this last mission either way Jessie. If we do just think, you can buy that dress you've been goin on about for weeks now that you saw back on the coast"

"That's true..fine!" Jester leans back against the railing, glancing to beau who was quietly looking out towards the horizon "Beau? Are you okay?"

"I think a storm is coming.."

"The clouds are clear though-"

"She has a point jester," Cad too was looking out, gently tapping his thumb against the wheel a moment "you can smell it in the air almost, I think  it would be best if we take some precautions just in case"

"If both of you think so then we may as well. Can't deny a two against one" fjord set his now empty cup aside, taking back the wheel from caduceus who began picking things up "beau make your way up to the crows nest and keep an eye out, jess, cad please inform everyone else on the ship-"

"So the two other people-"

"Yes jester. The two other people, orly and his friend, to let them know what's going on. We need help getting the sails up if a storm is brewing-"

While they spoke, Beau was already making her way up to the crow's nest, her usual hiding place from time to time, it allowed her to think an be by herself, even if she doesn't mind the usual company of her friends. But she had a job right now and that was to keep lookout.

Though the rain didn't start until much later in the night, just as the sun was slowly setting in the distance she felt the first few drops of rain hit her skin. The cold feeling making her shiver as she moved to call down to fjord, but it seemed he already noticed and was barking orders. Taking the chance she quickly made her way down, catching her balance as a sudden Gust of wind almost throws her over the edge of the ship.

Jester and Caduceus were quickly getting the sails into position, Orly joined by another hired crew member Harrison worked on doing what they could to help

"Beau! You and Orly get up there and tie up the sails!" Fjord called through the now brewing storm, the rain becoming more harsh, lighting crackling in the distance now, a little too close for comfort.

Making her way up with orly, at one point holding a hand out to help him up onto the topsail so they could begin tying it securely.

From the bottom, Caduceus watched as jester ran to inform fjord that everything was settled, but glanced up seemingly just in time to see a bolt of lightning shoot down, directly hitting the center of the topsail where Beau and Orly were currently trying to get down from. Panic slowly rising he called out to Fjord, watching as the half that broke completely off, dipped down just barely missing the top of the boat, only causing damage to the newly built railing leaving now sharp and jagged pieces of splinter wood in its place, the piece luckily still attached to the mass which left it slowly swinging with each sway of the ship.

The Impact alone caused beau to miss her footing and almost fall off, currently holding on just by a rope

"Beau!" Jester screamed, wanting to run to her aid but caduceus kept her at bay as falling debris continued to litter the deck below them

"We must keep a distance if we aren't careful we will get hurt"

"But Beau is gonna get hurt!"

Orly at the time was reaching for Beau, trying to pull her towards him "I've got you just hold on tight now!" He yelled through the rumbling skies

Beau now drenched from the rain was doing her best to keep hold, but could feel her hold slipping. Biting her lip she looked at Orly and simply nodded before letting go.

She could hear Jesters screams and fjords yell of protest as she ran towards Beau's now falling body. Beau had a plan though, having of grabbed a rope as she went down, grinning down at Jester with a look of 'I got this' or she, did atleast. The ship lurched as a large wave collided with the ship, throwing Beau's original target of Jester and Caduceus's position, to now towards the edge of the ship that was broken and splintered from the previous impact. Quickly trying to fix herself, Beauregard hoisted herself up with all possibly upper body strength, her stomach sinking when she felt herself once again, falling.

Oddly, the moment when by so quickly, she hardly had a moment to process it. Jesters cries were quickly washed out by her own cry of pain as her body slammed down against the broken railing, a piercing pain shocking her body to the point of what she assumed could be what other felt at the mercy of her own stunning blows. Blurry eyes glanced down to the source of her pain, seeing now a bloodied piece of wood protruding through her stomach. For once, fear shrouded her as she looked to Jester and Caduceus who both were trying to make their way towards her as the ship continued to sway at the mercy of the sea and wind, until she could feel the ship leaning once again and her body falling again..

The chilling water suddenly surrounding her causing her muscles to tense up to keep in all the possible body warmth it could until she saw something

In the flashes of light someone or something, swam past her. Their tails seemed to shine in the faint light, and for a moment it seemed like they were simply watching, the two human like creatures glancing to Beau's sinking body and back to the ship before one with longer hair that almost seemed to melt away in the dark ocean waves was the one to take hold of her. In her own fleeting consciousness she could of sworn she felt strong arms wrap around her, now guiding her through the waters away from the ship, from her friends..

What was happening? Was this death? If so, Caduceus had some serious explaining to do later

For a while she did her best to fight to stay away, only getting quick glances at who held her. They..were beautiful. Both of them really. One who kept a worried look seemed to be a man, though he was quite colorful like Jester. While the woman holding her had beautiful pale skin and fascinating eyes that looked to be blue and purple..how rare.

She finally let consciousness slip away from her entirely soon enough, for a second she could of sworn the pain she felt was gone, and warmth over took her.


Hey guys! Long time no see right? Anywho, I've more or less dived head first into critical role recently and on the way home from a friends house I cane up with this almost little mermaid-esk AU idea! I hope you guys enjoyed it cause I certainly love it

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