Under ones gaze

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From below the oceans waves one wouldn't expect to find more life then the fish and other creatures that one is used to. But beyond the coral and seaweed is more then just sharks, squids and fish. But a small society that continues to thrive in its hidden sanctuary. Mermen, mermaids as well as their children, usually referred to as guppies from time to time, keep this small hidden gem alive. Among them, not as socially open as some, is a young man named Caleb, who with his smaller, sometimes mistaken as a child, friend nott, made their way down the path outside the city to their own little home away from home, where two others were waiting for them.

"Oh, Molly, I thought you two weren't going to be here until later" Caleb set down his satchel, looking up to Molly as he swam over, planting a gentle kiss to his lips

"Yash said she wanted to wait and watch the storm that's brewing. Though I told her it may not at all tonight considering the clear skies" Molly shrugs, glancing up to where Yasha was currently just leaning against one of the openings of the cavern. It didn't quite go above the surface but a small opening would allow one to look a little about the surface

Nott who had trailed behind dumped out her new findings, seemingly ignoring her friends in place of organizing her newly found and some stolen goods. She soon enough though picked up an item from the surface and swam up to Yasha, making sure to get her attention first as to not startle her "Yasha look what I found today! It must be from the shore right?"

Yasha having of turned her attention to nott, took the item with care, looking it over before handing it back "most likely yes. Its a fork, but quite pretty, especially the flower detail."

"I know right! It's kinda pointy though. Did they eat with these?" nott huffed, looking over what was confirmed to just be a simple fork, trying to figure out why it was so pointy like that.

From beyond the waves, the sound of people talking is what catches the groups attention, muffled for Caleb, Molly and nott but Yasha could mostly hear

"Yash..is someone out there?" Setting a hand on her shoulder, Molly moved to be beside her and gaze out towards the waves

"I think so..it looks like another humanoid boat.."

"Not all human" Caleb interjected, pointing out to the newly colorful people that joined the human with blue cloths on the deck of the ship "looks like a half orc, tiefling and firbolg too.."

"Another huh" Molly mused, nudging Caleb who shook his head

"Yes another. Though unlike the ones down here mollymauk that girl has legs. And we cannot trust the unknown"

"Such a downer darling"

While they spoke, Yasha decided to move away and out of the smaller cavern for a better look. Normally doing such was frowned upon or even joked about to keep nott from getting too close after the last incident with the ruthless pirates that tried to take nott and Caleb when the group had gotten a little too close.

She hadn't heard nor cared that Molly followed after her, it was just a closer look. That's all. By now the storm was beginning, better coverage yes but watching the people rush around was oddly daunting. They seemed confident atleast In What they were doing.

"Do you think they'll be alright?"

"I'm not sure dear" Molly, though he had his attention on the ship before them, had taken hold of yasha's hand, not for himself, but for her own comfort.

The storm was quickly becoming worse, waves crashing harshly against the side of the ship, orders and screams echoing through the angry wind and heavy rain. Lightning soon becoming closer with every passing minute, once having of been something she enjoyed watching was now making her nervous, both of them startled to see the bolt of energy completely devastate half of the topsail, causing it to come crashing down and slam into the pole it was once fully attached to.

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