Part One

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Clarabella's POV

The clouds fogged up the view out of the car window as the rain began to fall; Creating droplets that ran down the glass.

The road ahead was bumpy and each time we had to pass a road like this my stomach turned. I was already feeling sick to my stomach about the situation and this really wasn't helping.

I'm currently seventeen and it's my eighteenth birthday on Thursday which is three days from now as today is Monday. I'm not excited for my birthday because nothing is happening that is special to me. I should be spending my birthday with my family but in my case I don't have a family. I'm an orphan.

I was put up for adoption when I was three months old. I didn't know my mum or dad and I never will.

The thought of being alone for the rest of my life kills me because I know deep down it will eventually happen.

"We're about ten minutes away Clarabella, okay?" Helen said. She's my adoption guidance. Like a councillor.

Another thing about me is I hate my name. Clarabella. Seriously why would my mum choose that name?

It sounds like a pathetic excuse for a disney princess that didn't fit into the group with Cinderella and Belle, Like the odd princess out.

But I guess I don't fit anywhere. I'm constantly moving around because family's trade me in and swap me about. I don't know what I do wrong.

"We are here!" Helen yelled with excitement as she stepped out of the car.

I unbuckled my seat belt and rolled my eyes as I stepped out of the car.

I looked up to see the house. It was extremely big. The stone driveway curved it's way to the brown bricked house; The trees over lapped creating shade at either side of the house.

"Hurry up Clarabella!" Helen yelled at me from further in front.

"It's not my fault I walk slow" I mumbled under my breath with a sarcastic tone.

It obviously wasn't quiet enough because Helen heard me.

"Yes it is" she replied back.

I rolled my eyes once again as we made our way to the front door. As Helen knocked on the door I was greeted by the family.

In their happy little family there was;

Katherine who was the mum.

David who was the dad.

Molly who was their daughter.

Laura who was another daughter.

And Jack who was their son.

They were the Gilinsky's, and I was now part of their family.

*** 4 hours later ***

I had got to know all of the family now and I must admit that I liked them. I enjoyed the company of Molly and Laura even though they were older.

I had spoken to Jack for the longest amount of time and I now felt out of the family I was closest to him. He listened to everything I had to say and seemed to understand a lot of what I said too.

I could tell I would enjoy Jack being my older brother!

"Do you want to hang out with my friends tonight? You don't have too if you don't want too but the offers there?" Jack said as he looked at me waiting for an answer to appear from my lips.

"Yeah, Thankyou Jack" I replied as I nodded my head in agreement.

"That's what brothers are for right? Shit is that too early to start saying that?" Jack replied back to me.

"It's fine" I giggled back to Jack, he laughed back as he could tell it didn't bother me.

"Have you seen your room yet?" Katherine spoke up as she popped her head round the living room door.

"Oh erm no not yet" I announced back to her.

"I'll show her mum it's fine" Jack butted in as he then guided me to my new room.

I followed him up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor. My room was next to his as his door was left open I sneaked a peak into it before making my way into mine.

"Well, do you like it?" Jack asked me as he smiled and nudged my arm.

I laughed and nodded as Jack walked out to let me unpack, He walked into his own room as I began to hear music blast out of his speakers.

I looked around my room to see three white walls and one patterned wall. I liked the wallpaper as it was a baby blue and white floral pattern. My bedding was thrown onto a white double bed with crystals on the end. The baby blue and white sequin cousins complimented the wallpaper ever so well along with the matching duvet cover that matched my wallpaper; A baby blue rug was rolled onto the floor and I also had a white wardrobe with three doors, a chest of drawers, two night tables and a dressing table with the most gorgeous mirror I've seen hung above.

I loved my room. It was so cute.

I then took two hours unpacking, hanging and folding all my clothes away.

Once I was finished I decided to get ready.

I made my way into my jack and jill bathroom which I shared with Jack. I should of been called Jill shouldn't I? I laughed at my own joke in my head.

I locked both doors at either side so jack couldn't walk in on me when I was showering.

I washed my hair, shaved and applied a pink grapefruit shower gel all over my lightly tanned skin. As I jumped out of the shower I patted my self dry and put on my black underwear then began to dry and curl my hair. I then rubbed some pink grapefruit moisturiser all over my skin and began to apply my makeup.

I unlocked both doors and made my way into my bedroom, were I then had to pick out an outfit to wear tonight.

I chose a black crop T-shirt which had a white moon in the middle of it, I placed my high waisted denim shorts on which were badly distressed at the bottom and wrapped a black, purple and burgundy flannel shirt around my waist which was laced with white thread. I teamed the outfit together with my black vans.

Before I made my way out of my room I applied a burgundy matte lipstick on and collected my white iPhone5c and my purse.

I turned the light off and opened the door into Jack's room where I found him shirtless.

"Oh I'm sorry" I panicked and shut the door.

"Clarabella it's fine" Jack yelled through the door.

I reopened the door and made my way into his room, I then sat on his bed as he messed with his hair for a bit.

"You looking forward to tonight then?" Jack asked me through the reflection of the mirror.

"I am actually, you have told your friends that I'm coming right?" I questioned back to him.

"Yeah they all know who you are" he replied back as he turned to face me.

"Let's go!" Jack said as he picked up his car keys and his wallet.

I hope tonight goes well.

A/N- PLEASE READ. I know this part doesn't have Sammy in it yet but be patient. If you like this please message me on what you think and let me know if I should carry on. Make sure to Comment, Vote and Follow for more parts:-) Thankyou x

Happy Little Family- Sam Wilkinson ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now