Transformers: Animated - Rodimus Prime x Kitty(My O.C.)

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Kitty's POV:
Cybertronic, what a beauty, I only heard of it from stories from my old Maximal friends. The only issue was the fact that Sentinel(big chin) wouldn't stop talking about his crew of "mighty warriors"; that's how he put it, yep just keep talking Sentinel.

The bad thing was that he was now to be called Sentinel Magnus since apparently, he's the big guy. I'd rather have Optimus as the leader, and I barely know him. Anyway, Sentinel is giving me a tour with his partner Rodimus Prime.

Rodimus actually wasn't bad looking compared to the other Cybertronians that I've seen. But he was only his partner for the moment since Jazz and the Jet Twins were busy on a mission.

Rodimus' POV:
Ugh, what do I say to her, she's such a beauty. She has to be the prettiest Cybertronian femme ever. Her hair is so elegant and her eyes are so sparkle and don't even mention those ears, I could pet those ears all day. I'm trying to keep it easy, Doc said that I'm still a little drowsy after that Cosmic Rust incident.

But Kitty is just so subtle, even though she's giving Sentinel that "I'm going to punch you in the face plate if you keep talking" look, and I'll admit, it's kinda funny and cute. "Rodimus! What are you giggling about!" "Nothing Sentinel Prime sir!" "That's Sentinel Magnus to you! Geez, can you believe this guy, and he's a Prime!"

Kitty POV:
Did he really just insult Rodimus? "Okay look here big chin! Rodimus is still recovering from his incident of his! So be easy on him if he says Prime instead of Magnus! How does anyone get along with you?! Sentinel this and Sentinel that! It's so annoying!" Silence then follows and I just realized what I just said! "I apologize Magnus sir, I didn't mean it." "Yeah, sure you did." Sentinel says as he gives me this deadly look and then says, "you know what, Rodimus give Kitty the rest of the tour because it seems that she likes you more than me." He then storms off.

"He kinds deserved it anyway Kitty." "I was so rude though, I shouldn't have said it." "Hey, don't worry about it, we all say stuff about him all of the time, even Ultra Magnus said some things about him." That made me smile, hearing some stuff about that old not, who would have known that he would say anything about Sentinel.

"Hey, let's continue that tour, alright?" "Okay," I said as I secretly slipped my hand into his and rested it there. "Hey, let's go get some energon sometime, I think that we would enjoy it." He said with a smile. "Okay" was all I said that we continued our tour of Cybertron.

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