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Tj's POV
I felt my cheeks grow hot when Cyrus called me cute.
"Shit I'm sorry."
"No- it's- it's- f-f-fine.
Do you want to try now?"
"I'm not sure how good I'll be but okay."
"I'll help you."
As hard as Cyrus tried he kept losing. Bad. On about the 11th try when he was struggling I decided to try a new technique. He was hunched over so I got behind him and put my arms around him and my hands on top of his.
I whispered in his ear "You've got this underdog."
I looked at his hands. Despite him being 17 they were so small. And his nails were bitten. I realized in that moment I didn't wanna let go.
"Sorry what?"
I looked at the screen and sure enough he had gotten first place. "YOU GOT FIRST PLACE! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!"
I hugged him quickly. "What do you say we stop on a high note and watch a movie?"
"No horror."
"But it's my favorite!" I mocked him. (It actually was my favorite. Well, second to rom coms but I'd never admit that)
He playfully shoved me, "Shut up."
I pretended that he pushed me a lot harder then he had and fell to the floor. "Oh I'm wounded. Those words. So sharp."
"Can it history nerd."
I jumped up. "History is the best subject. Fight me."
"Biology is better."
"Take it back."
"Then I guess I'll have to do this."
"No. Don't you dare tickle me."
"Oh you're ticklish? You never mentioned."
I then tackled him and started to tickle him.
Through wheezes he said "I- j-just can't h-h-h-help but giggle! And squeak!" Tambourine decided to jump on my back. I ended up falling off of the couch onto the floor next to Cyrus who had somehow managed to get himself on the floor.
"Can I touch your hair Tj?"
"The one day I don't put gel in it. Sure."
He reached his tiny bitten down nails into my hair.
"It's soft. And truth be told I like it better like this."
"Maybe I'll wear it like this more often."
"It's up to you."
"Eh it will cut down on time in the morning. And the money I spend on gel can go towards something else."


I couldn't sleep. I'd fall asleep for maybe five minutes then wake back up. Was I afraid of being gay? Did I like Cyrus? Thoughts like that ran through my head. I finally flipped over on the floor and saw that Cyrus had a book open and a tiny light on.
"Dude it's.. 2:37 in the morning. Why are you up? And reading of all things?"
"You know I have insomnia. Now why are you up?"
"I can't sleep."
"I figured that out smart ass. But why?"
"Cyrus how did you know that you were gay?"
He closed his book. "Tj why are you asking?"
I pushed my head against my pillow and squeezed my eyes shut. "Just tell me."
"...You know Amber's friend Iris?"
"Well we dated back in like 7th grade. She was my first actual kiss. It just felt wrong. I tried again but it still didn't feel right. Then I saw Andi and mhmf together-"
"What was that?"
"I'm too tired to guess right now just go on."
"Anyway I saw them together and realized I wanted him."
Open your eyes."
"Open your eyes."
"Because it's 2:40 am and you can't sleep and now you're asking me how I figured out I was gay. I'm worried about you. Also you look like you're in pain."
I was still pressing my head against my pillow and squeezing my eyes shut as hard as I could. I felt his head on my shoulder.
"You're a good pillow."
"Uh... thanks?" I opened my eyes and relaxed a little.
"I knew I could get you to relax some.
"Whatever you are... gay, bi, pan, etc. I'll accept you."
"I'm scared."
He grabbed my hand and sat up. "I'm right here. Now and forever."
Then he lied back down and we fell asleep like that.
His head on my shoulder. My arm around him. Nothing more. Nothing less.

This chapter is hella gay and I'm here for it

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