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The Day of the Party

Other relevant information:
Party starts at 7:30
I'll be adding the outfits just because
(not all of the guys because when I look up men's summer fashion they all look like f-boys and I hate it)



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Cyrus' POV I was worried for tonight

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Cyrus' POV
I was worried for tonight. I knew there'd be drinking. I'd had beer once on a dare and absolutely hated it. Buffy gets angry when she's drunk. Marty starts saying dumb shit. Jonah gets all cuddly with everyone. Andi turns into a party girl. Same with Amber. I realized I didn't know about Tj. Who does he turn into? I guess I'd find out tonight. It was 5:00 now and Tj would be here by 5:30. Both of parents were out of town (yes somehow both sets of my parents managed to be out of town at once). Given he was gonna be an adult in June his parents agreed to let him sleepover despite my parents not being there. Ughhh. I still needed to shower and get dressed. I skimmed my closet. What to wear? Hmmm. After about 10 minutes of trying on shirts I decided on this

 After about 10 minutes of trying on shirts I decided on this

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and a pair of khakis cuffed.

Tj's POV
I showed up at Cyrus' house around 5:20. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. Was I nervous? Was it because of Cyrus? But that doesn't make sense. It was probably just because of the party tonight. Ya that's it. It was 5:25 now and I decided to ring the bell. I heard a grunt and then
"YOUR LOCAL POSTMAN" I yelled as I walked toward the lawn flamingo and pulled out a key from inside it. Cyrus' stepdad had carved out a hole in it for a key. I opened the door and yelled "YOU GOT A GIFT! THAT GIFT BEING ME!"
He stumbled down the stairs, his hair still wet. "Can it Kippen."
"You gonna wear that to the party?" I looked down at his cartoon dinosaur t-shirt.
"I needed to throw something on when I heard you. My pjs were the closest thing."
"Go get dressed I can wait."
He hurried up the stairs.


"Damn Cy you look good." Shit did I just say that out loud?
"I-I-I-I'm sorry."
"You just complemented me and now you're saying you're sorry. I don't know if I should accept that compliment or feel insulted."
I bit my lip and looked down.
I looked up locked eyes with him.
"You look pretty darn good yourself."
"This? Nah not really."
I had on a short sleeve denim button down and khaki shorts.
"Yes you do and you really need to learn to accept a compliment."
"There's still about an hour or so until the party. You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"The spoon then the swings?"
"My truck is outside waiting."
"Let's go then."

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