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Spring of 1920, Oakfield.

Soon enough five years have passed since Gabriel had washed up on the beach of Northern Albion and met the group of wonderful mercenaries that became his new family. Gabriel over those short years had some mastery of his foresight and of his gauntlets. He became a valuable member of the merc group and soon he was the right hand of Ruckus. With his future seeing and magic, he was considered one of the most important. He shed his old dweller robes and kept them packed away in his travel bags as a reminder. Those clothes to him represented a different man. A scared, inexperienced, and cowardly Gabriel. The Gabriel now was way different so he wore something more professional to show his transformation. A white button-up with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of faded brown pants and leather boots. His hair flat and chin length.

He and Carlos had grown close and became the best of friends. To be honest he could see a bit of him from his old friend Katlan. Sometimes Gabriel and Carlos would sit down and switch stories between them. Other times they would go to the outskirts of whatever town they were in and he would start to show off his powers. Gabriel eventually learned of what Carlos looked like. He has tan skin from his South Islander heritage and shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair and a lithe body. Gabriel honestly wished his body was like Carlos's instead of being stuck with his gangly body. On the other hand, Carlos wished he had Gabriel's body. Some thought they were dating but they were just really close friends in all honesty.

Everything was going well and soon the day came when the Seer decided it would be the day to leave. Gabriel had a dream the previous night about what he knew was the lost king of Albion. He had previous dreams before and never took it to much heart since he knew King Mathew was relatively not going anywhere and wasn't being messed with in any way. So why rush when you can barely make out a face in your awake visions.

In the dream, he could see a man inside of a smoky looking crystal and a rather stunning young woman standing in front of it that radiated unseen energy. Just like the Temptress and Devourer gave off. He knew who this woman was: The Empress another agent of Darkness. The woman spun around and faced something past Gabriel then she looked right at him. Her left arm turned to dark crystal and she lunges at him.

His dream changed to a cliff side over looking the ruins of the Spire. Below the cliff, he could see a port with various cages and crates and distant shouting and cheering behind him. At the very edge of the cliffs, he saw the back of a woman with deep red hair and a dress fitting of great wealth. The top was black and the lower region billowing red. Gabriel walked more close to her and something odd happened. The young woman turned to him and in her hands a hammer with the blunt of a fist holding a knife. "I am of Stone. Find me in the place where warriors dwell."

His dream faded and he woke up quickly in the shelter of his sleeping bag. He sat up and rubbed his head. Carlos was still asleep next to him in his bag. Gabriel crawled out of his resting place and tossed on his button up and adjusted his undergarments and tugged on his pants. He stepped out of their large shared tent and sat outside on a stump. The group made camp on the outskirts of Oakfield near an old mine the locals called Echo Mine. It was early in the morning and mist hung in the air giving the forest around them an eerie feel. Gabriel held his head in his hands hoping the cluster of thoughts would dissipate in order to make sense of what he had just experienced. Despite being a Seer for five years now he still had a majority of his visions come to him while dormant much to his annoyance.

"I am of Stone. Find me in the place where warriors dwell." That dialog kept replaying in his head over and over again. He shook his head and stood up walking up the path and onto the main road that led to the village. His bare feet carried him past the carriage house where he could hear the driver snoring in the cab. He took in the scenery from the freshly tilled dew covered fields to the farmers heading out for a long day's work and monks leaving their houses to worship at the temple. From what Gabriel remembered he recalled that Carlos once read him a book about this village and how it was the hometown of Sister Hannah who eventually became the Hero Hammer. 'Maybe I should stop at the temple instead of the pub. I'll surely find more peace to think there.' He passed the Sandgoose Pub nodding his respects to a statue of a young Sparrow and carried himself out of the town and reached the temple.

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