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Spring of 1920, Jarl Rhouå's home.

Barry quietly walked up the stone steps to the stave house. As he approaches the heavy doors the guards greet him. "Thane." They both say with a fist over their chest. One opens a door for him and he nods and enters.

As he walks the grand hall up to the throne he briefly glances at the guard barracks. What he sees makes him pause. There are injured men and women laying on most of the beds or sitting on chairs. They're being tended to by healers and alchemists. He comes closer and stands in the doorway. 'The wounds are rounded and ragged. Not from a weapon so some form of an animal. But what? Ice panthers can't do this.'
A healer woman passes him and he follows her. "Miss?"
The girl turns and bows. "Thane." She stands back upright.
"May I ask what happened to those men?" He asks gesturing back to the barracks.

The young woman gives him a confused face. "Did High Jarl Rhouå never send word to you? A great beast has been attacking the towns and trails." She spoke with fear.
"What type of beast?" Barry asks.
"The beast of myth my Thane. The Stor Ulv. He has broken free."
Barry was slightly frightened by the news but he needed to put on a brave face for the people.
"Well, I am suwe the Jawl will explain in detail. You should get back to duty. Thank you foy telling me." The girl nodded and left.

He sat down under the portraits of Lady Yngvild and High Jarl Rhouå. He looked around and shifted in his seat. He looked at the throne and to the staircase leading to the Jarl's quarters. Barry had known the Jarl for years and wasn't surprised when he was named Thane. It's an honorary title but it has its perks. Free land, can order soldiers and guards and has a voice in the court. Though, he must still have the say-so of the Jarl he serves on major things. Such as help from the army. Which he now knows will be harder than he thought. 'The Stor Ulv, the giant wolf of legends. Destined to break free every hundred years. Wow.'

  He's lost in his thoughts and feels something rub against his leg. He looks down and sees Rhouå's cats. Calicos named Ronx and Brine. Barry lets them jump onto his lap and they both pur as he pets them.
Barry hears a door open and closes somewhere past the throne. A normal person wouldn't have heard it but Barry isn't a normal person. The steward walks down the stairs and into the throne room. It's his job to wake an hour early before the High Jarl in order to have things prepared for him.

As the steward is straightening plates out on the feasting table Barry gently places the cats beside him and stands. He walks quickly over to the man, whose name Barry can't remember. "Hello." The steward jumps from surprise. "Oh Thane, it's you." The man settles down.

"Yeah, it is. I have need to speak to the High Jawl. It's uwgent."
The man appears uneasy but agrees. "Yes, Thane Hatch. On my way sir." He turns from the table and hurriedly makes his way to the Jarl quarters.

  Soon enough the steward is followed by the Jarl who stumbles about still half asleep to his throne. He sits upon it and looks at Barry. Jarl Rhouå waves him over. Barry approaches his Jarl and kneels.
"My lohd."
Rhouå chuckles, "Hatch we are equals. Arise, my Thane. Now tell me what brings you here good friend."

  Barry does as his Jarl orders. "My Jawl, I am twaveling with a gwoup of individuals. Hewoes to be mowe exact. Theiw leadeh wishes to seek aid fwom the awmy. He plans to stowm Samahkand. I know it sounds suicidal but heaw out the plea."

  Barry watches Rhouå for a reaction. Jarl Rhouå just sits their stone-faced. "Barry, the Stor Ulv has awakened and has broken free. Do you really think I can spare warriors for the battle? This sounds like the quarrel between two countries that should've been settled years ago." He sighs. "Bring me the leader. We'll discuss over a meal. Then we'll see about the arrangements." He waves his hand about him.
"Fine. I'll get him."

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