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  Spring of 1920, Westcliff Crucible.

  Carlos slowly crept down the corridor and soon found a large empty space were various other combatants rested up at. Full of showers, cushions, and potion stations. He rounded a corner and was confronted by Janice. "Howdy mate. Last time I checked you were supposed to be watching not following." Her grey eyes staring intensely at him. Carlos was flustered but quickly regained his composure. "Hi. I'm Carlos. I'm sorry to be weird but I needed to reach you before I lost you."

  "Why'd ya want to speak to me?" She stepped back a bit looking back at her hammer. "Well, it's kind of an odd story my friend Gabriel could fill you in. I and he are trying to find people like your description to help in our mission."
Her eyes lit up. "What type of mission?"
"It's in Samarkand. I can't tell you more without sounding insane please come with me. I'm sure my friend is in the tavern. He'll explain everything. I'm sure of it." Carlos was hoping she wouldn't think he is a creep and beat the Hell out of him.

  Janice looked down at the ground no doubt considering what to do. "Alright I'm gonna go with ya but if you try anything. Well, you've already seen what I can do pinky." She glanced up at Carlos's strawberry blonde hair. "Take me to ya friend I'm rather curious."
Carlos turned and led them back to where he came.

  To be honest Janice didn't think her day could get any better or strange for that matter. First, her parents wouldn't be back for six months. Second, she took down Sand Furries today which she's never fought before. Third, she is now being led by a nice looking outsider to meet a mysterious friend who knows of her. 'Please don't be members of that Anti "Hero" group. My family has had to deal with you before and I'm not looking forward to doing it alone again.' She was following mainly for the thrill of an adventure.

  As the two walked out of the Crucible Janice's eyes were automatically driven to a person in a green cloak standing by the steps. He looked up at them and she could see an almost hidden smile. Carlos rushed to his friend. "Look who I found."
The cloaked man turned excitedly to her and offered a hand. "Pleasure to meet you, Miss Hutchins. My name is Gabriel and I'm positive you know this is Carlos."
"Nice to meet you, Gabriel. Do you two want to come to my house? It's raining rather hard now and the tavern rooms aren't the best." Before they could even answer she yelled. "Race you there!"
With that Janice was off and the two men trailed behind her up the hill.

When the three made it to the doors of the manor and opened it they were greeted with the smell of cinnamon and hickory. The trio all sat down in the main room in front of an active fireplace. Janice pulled on a lamp string beside her and the light bathed everything a comforting glow. The awkwardness was so thick you could almost feel it. "So, I was told ya wanted to speak to me, Gabriel. Looking for people like me?" Janice asked her eyes almost seemed to pierce the dark room.

"Yes, you see Janice I'm what they call a Seer and I had a vision about you."
Carlos just stared on the girl in front of him. She had a look that said I am confused but I'm rolling with it. She opened her mouth again. "You're a Seer like in the books I've read? So you can see the future and have visions about what to do and can see into people's minds? Like the one who stayed in the Spire?"

"Yes." He muttered pulling off his hood.

"Bullocks Gabriel. Prove it." She slouched smugly back in the armchair.
"As you wish. You're fifteen years old and the Hammerthyst weapon you use is one of your family heirlooms left behind by your great grandfather. Your parents are currently visiting family on your mother's side in the Eastern Kingdom which no one knows they are seeing. Need I say more?"

Janice just sat there pale-faced. Her gray eyes looking back and forth then she smiled. She was honestly pretty excited for the prospect of being something more than a local celebrity. She had so many questions. So she let them go. "I read in a book about the Blind Seeress. Did you know her?" She excitedly began questioning Gabriel.
"I did know her for a few days. I miss her. She died and I took her place as Seer." Gabriel looked away as Carlos put a supporting hand on his shoulder. "She's dead?" Janice was kind of shocked. "Was it when the Spire shattered? Or something else?"

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