Chapter 18

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"He's a little!?"

"What the fuck I just told you not to yell!" I groan.

"No you didn't." Taehyung rolls his eyes.
. . .
Literally 45 seconds ago.

I've successfully dragged them back upstairs, letting Jimin hop around in the basement, singing something in the alien language he's made up.

"Okay, I need to tell you guys something that doesn't happen often. Don't yell or freak out though, okay?" I ask.

"Okay." They say together, shrugging their shoulders.

"Jimin's a little."
. . .
Oh shit now we back to present time.

"Whatever, explain." Yoongi shoos his hand around. 

"Okay, so I've known for 3 years, he came out to me when he was 14. He always acted way younger than how a 14 year old should act so I asked him if he was a little.  A lot of crying and blubbering later he said yes." I explain thoroughly. 

"So, why hasn't he shown any signs to us?" Hoseok frowns.

"Because he's a switch." I say simply.

"What's a switch?" Jungkook asks, totally enveloped in the topic.

"So you can either be a little or a caregiver. Jimin is both. He prefers to be a caregiver, caring for other littles and not have his little self bother other people. I'm always surprised when he becomes a little because it's rare." I sit down in the living room with them.

"So, if he's a little, that means he's really stressed or upset right?" Namjoon asks a little worried.

"Yeah." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"When will it stop?" Jungkook asks a little sadly.

"I don't know. It depends on how stressed or hurt he's been. The longest I think was 4 months." I shrug.

"4 months!?" They shout together, making me jump.

"How fucking hurt was he?" Hoseok cries.

"That's for him to tell you, not me." I cross my arms and look away. That story will never come out of my mouth again.

"Wait, if I remember correctly.. Littles need attention right? Like, they can't be left alone?" Namjoon clears his throat.

"Yeah." I shrug.

"What's Jimn's age range?" Jin tenses up.

"Some days he's 2, others he's 4. When he's 4 he's more mature and sometimes acts like a 6 year old." I explain.

"So, if I remember these two idiots correctly," Namjoon points at Taehyung and Jungkook. "When they were 4, they got into everything and hurt themselves a lot. Now, a 2 year old is not old enough to know the language he just used. So, that would leave him at 4 years old. But if he's mature, what the hell could he be doing right now?" Namjoon explains, doing math and talking quicker to the end.

My eyes widen, as do the others. My feet start moving before my mind registers that we're already running back downstairs to the den.

"Oh my god." Taehyung whispers. There sits Jimin, sucking his thumb as he watches Bubble Guppies intently on the TV, sitting criss cross on the carpet. His head turns to us and he waves with his free hand, then turns back to the TV.

"Baby, what are you watching?" I ask, walking over and sitting next to him. He looks at me and takes his thumb out of his mouth.

"Bubble guppas!" He exclaims, clapping his hands. I smile and look back at the boys who have their jaws to the floor.

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