Don't dare look at a screen
When you don't know what to do,
For that is not the way
Ideas will come to you.Watch a beautiful sunset
See the colours mix and blend,
Let the shining golden light
Inspire you at day's end.Wading in a river
Make a tower out of rocks,
That is one sure way
To drop the writer's block.Walking through a forest,
During day or during night,
Will let your imagination
Have the power of true flight.Whatever you must do
No matter what you need,
You must learn that inspiration
Can't be found upon a screen.
Organized Chaos - These are My Thoughts
PoetryNo, These are not poems. So flimsy a thing as can be called a few words on a page. These are thoughts. Paper thoughts, broken and scattered and gone like the wind. Iron anvil thoughts, never leaving though it is all I can ever ask of them. Invisible...