Chapter 5: Seokjin

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Namjoon groaned as he make his way out of the mattress, headed to the desk beside him. He yawned as he opened the folder, it was 4:00 am and his reported is due today.

He worked on the research paper for a while but couldn't focused on the work. Namjoon get up and walked into the kitchen to make some coffee, he needed to clear his mind. He couldn't sleep because of the nightmare, the same one from yesterday. Namjoon scratched his head as he took the coffee and headed back to the desk.

This time, he get the work done, thanks to his smart brain indeed. Namjoon stretched his back as he smiled at his attempt toward the work, even if it's not his best he still get the work done so that doesn't count.

Namjoon took the last sip from his cold coffee as he glance at the clock placed near his study lamp. He almost puffed out all of the coffee he'd been drinking from earlier. It was already 7:35 am, he only has 10 minutes before he missed his train to school.

He start packing his bag, try to push in the folder above all of the books inside his backpack. He sighed as he left the bag there to get dress, quickly grabbed some cold bread from the fridge, his charged phone then his door key. He pushed the mess inside of the backpack down as he finally has enough space to slide the folder in. Namjoon quickly headed outside, not forgetting to locked his door, making his way to the station.

He made it right on time as the train arrived, quickly hopped up to the train, Namjoon sigh as the door started to close automatically. He turned up his phone to then see 5 missed call from Taehyung, Namjoon quickly texted him that he's already on his way to school then turned the phone off.

The phone ting, opened it up to see the replied come from Taehyung:


Aish!!! Why did you have to do this to me every time!

Next time accepted the call already, silly.

Sorry, I turned off my phone.

 Next time I'll make sure not to make you worry.

 Please forgive me :'(

Okay fine :(  Just don't do that next time ok?

Okay ^^


The train reached his destination, Namjoon quickly headed down and put his phone away. He sigh in relief as he make his way into the classroom right on time, the professor was not here yet. Namjoon looked up only to see Taehyung waving his hand at him, he quickly make his way to Taehyung, sitting next to him.

"Wake up early to do the research paper again huh? You really should fixed your sleep schedule or else your life style will get mixed up real bad Namjoon." Taehyung said as he looked at Namjoon with concern. Namjoon only sigh, he couldn't win against Taehyung when it's the debut over his health "Yeah I'll try to fix it."

The professor finally walked into the classroom, interrupt the conversation between Namjoon and Taehyung. Namjoon focused on the class, leaving Taehyung next to him kept staring at Namjoon for the whole lesson.

The class ended, Taehyung hold on to Namjoon wrist before he could even get up. "What?" Namjoon asked, it's break time already and he was about to head to the canteen to buy some food. "Remember about what I told you yesterday? I texted Jimin about your schedule and Jimin said that Yoongi agreed to lecture you on Sunday, starting this week." Taehyung smiled as he release the grasped from Namjoon's hand.

Namjoon face beamed up with his famous dimple smile, Taehyung could only cooed at that silently. "Thank you so much Tae! I really owed you this time" Namjoon said as he hugged his bestfriend. Taehyung was surprise by the acted as he didn't know what to do with the sudden skin ship. All Taehyung did at the time is mumble a quiet "No problem", not even audible enough for Namjoon to hear.

 Namjoon however, didn't seem mind at his best friend act. He owed Taehyung and he need to give him something as a payback, he asked "Sooooo, do you want anything? I can't just let you help me like this." Taehyung was take back by the question, he questioning Namjoon "Anything?". "Yea anything, if it's affordable of course" Namjoon said.

"Then how about have a dinner at my place on Monday next week?" Taehyung asked with a light blush on his cheek. Namjoon wasn't expecting this at all, so he asked Taehyung to make sure "Only that? You sure?", "Yea I'm sure" Taehyung said. And with that, they agreed about the dinner on Monday night next week.

Time skip - Sunday -

Namjoon's standing in front of the apartment, inhaled deeply before heading in. Headed into the elevator to get to the right floor, walked to the door that has it numbered on it "17.15."

Taehyung gave him the address of Yoongi's apartment, telling him to head there because Yoongi had his own studio at home which should be more convenience if Namjoon was here so that it would be easier for Yoongi to lecture him.

Namjoon knocked onto the wooden door, waited for Yoongi to open the door letting him in. But instead, a stranger open the door and looked at Namjoon quizzically "Who are you?". Namjoon stuttered "I-I'm Kim Namjoon, is this Yoongi hyung room?". The expression on the other male lightened as he heard the familiar name "Oh you're Taehyung friend right? I'm Park Jimin, please get in. Yoongi hyung is still sleeping but you can wait a bit right?" Jimin said as he stepped aside, letting Namjoon in.

Jimin closed the door behind them as Namjoon stepped inside, taking off his shoe. "You can wait in the living room. I'll go get Yoongi for you." Jimin instructed as he left Namjoon there still standing by the entrance door. He make his way to the living room.

He caught the attention of the man sitting on the couch placed in the living room, tilted his head up to get a better view of the boy. The man was astonished by the presence of the boy. If only he had the word to describe the boy, because the only word that suited him could only be "perfection".

Yes that's right.

Seokjin has fall for Namjoon at first sight.


sorry for the late update ;;

But this time I make it extra long so please bear with me haha.


By: PotatiHi

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