The Test Part 1

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"Ezra, I think it's time you get a lightsaber."

"I already have one,"

"Ok, let me rephrase that. I think it's time you get a Jedi lightsaber."


The interaction between the two had occurred this morning after the Ghost crew got briefed about an assignment that they were doing in a few days and are going to figure out their plan. For the time being, they were on Lothal. Kanan had gotten his Holocron back from Ezra, having to ask for it, and looked for a Jedi temple near Lothal. Surprisingly, he had found one on Lothal. It was now lunch and Ezra was prepping the Phantom and has no clue where they were going. Finishing, he calls for Kanan on the COM.

"You ready to go?" Kanan asks, passing Ezra and walking into the Phantom.

"You still haven't told me where we're going." He says, walking in behind Kanan and sitting down. Kanan detaches the Phantom from the Ghost and starts to head East. Putting it in autopilot, Kanan stands from the pilot's seat and walks over to Ezra. Sitting down across from the boy, he smiles.

"Well, that's what you're going to tell me. When I was your age," Ezra chuckles, but Kanan continues. "There were around 10,000 Jedi Knights defending the galaxy. Now, we are few. But in those days, we had small outposts, temples spread throughout the stars. The Empire sought out these temples and destroyed many of them, but not all. I want you to meditate, let the Force guide you to one of them." Ezra scoffs.

"Kanan, I was part of the Empire. You know this. The entire crew knows this. If there was a temple on Lothal, I would probably know." Kana smirks.

"Alright then, prove me wrong. If I am, we don't have to go to the temple to get you a new crystal. If I'm right, we go." Ezra scoffs, mumbling a, "whatever," before he closes his eyes. Kanan sits there and watches the boy concentrate. He feels Ezra's walls lower and lower, but then they shoot back up as he opens his eyes, sighing.

"So?" Kanan asks, smiling. Ezra opens his mouth to answer but then starts to glare at Kanan.

"You knew the whole time!" He accuses throwing his hands up. Kanan starts to laugh as he stands up to go to the pilot's seat.

"Disengaging autopilot. We should be there in a few minutes." Ezra groans and stands up to rest his arms on Kanan's headrest.

"So, did you take the test when you were my age?" Ezra asks, looking straight ahead at the open plains of Lothal.

"It was different for me, Ezra. Everything was different back then. All that remains now is the Force."

"Yeah, whatever," Ezra mumbles, keeping his eyes straight.

"What's with you? You're more... down since I told you to look for the temple. Is there something you aren't telling me, Ezra?" He feels Ezra's walls completely raise immediately as Ezra tenses. Kanan doesn't say anything, hoping the boy will tell him.

"It's just... I don't care that much if I have my red lightsaber still..." Ezra says quietly, making sure not to look at Kanan. "I know it's a Sith's saber, but technically-"

"You're not a Sith, Ezra."

"Yes, I am. I've killed hundreds of innocent people, I've done things-"

"Did you want to?" Ezra looks down at him, confused.


"Did you want to kill those people? Does it make you happy to kill?" Images of what happened when the crew went on the job for the T-7 Ion Disruptors flash through his head and how he felt.

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