Chicken Soup For the Soul, a Sick Reader x Dr. Mario Story

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"Dr. Mario! Dr. Mario!"Daisy burst in the door. "(Y/N)'s worse than yesterday!"

Dr. Mario furrowed his eyebrows in worry. You had never been this sick before. Two days ago, you felt a little feverish, you thought you just had a mild fever, so you called it a day and went to bed early, hoping the temperature would go away in the morning. The next day, you woke up with a higher temperature, but you didn't want to be late for the roll call so you still got up despite not feeling well. Daisy, your roommate noticed how sluggish you were and advised you to stay in bed. But you refused to listen and still headed out of the door, leaving Daisy behind with complaints. Your head felt dizzier and dizzier until everything went black. Moments later, you found Dr. Mario by your side. He gave you a pill as you drifted back to asleep, but you didn't get any better today. You even vomited. Daisy knew something was very wrong, so she dashed to the doctor's office as fast as she could.

"What happened now?" Dr. Mario asked, putting on his doctor's coat.

"She threw up this morning!" Daisy said with frantic.

"Take me to her now." He said, picking up his doctor kit. Soon they were off.

Moments later, you found Dr. Mario by your side. He looked very distressed.

"What is happening? The pill should have already fought the virus off already." He mumbled to himself as he got out his stethoscope. "Can you sit up for me, (Y/N)?" He asked you.

Groaning, you sat up. You felt dizzy again and was about to fall over when the Doc caught you before you 'kissed' the floor. He steadied you with one hand while the other held the stethoscope and listened to your back. He was silent for a minute and laid you back down.

"Must be a vital infection." He said to himself. Pulling the cover back on you, he went to his medicine kit and dug out another pill.

"This should keep you from vomiting for a while." He said. He brought some water to you and helped you up as you swallowed the pill.

Turning to Daisy, he said.

"Thank you very much for informing me (Y/N)'s condition. You may go and join the others. Don't worry, I'll take care of her today."

"Okay." Daisy said. "Feel better soon, (Y/N)." Daisy's voice full of sympathy.

"Thanks." Your voice hoarse. Another concerned look from Dr. Mario.

"Have you been drinking enough water lately?" He asked you.

You shook your head.

"That might be your problem." He said. "Make sure you drink enough so you'll feel better soon."

You nodded. That's all the energy you had left. Seeing how weak you are, Dr. Mario laid you back down.

"Get some rest. I'll be back to check on you later." He said, standing up.

"Okay." You croaked, your eyelids felt heavy on your eyes. Soon you were out.

When you came to again, Dr. Mario was by your bedside listening to your stomach.

"Oh, you're awake." He smiled. "You looked better."

"Yeah, I'm feeling a little better, and I'm not as hot." You replied.

He leaned his forehead on yours. Making sure your temperature was actually down. Seeing him up close and staring into his icy blue eyes, such intimate action had made you blush.

"Hmm, you're right. You're not as hot as earlier." He said, pulling away. In a moment, you had wished him to stay a little longer.

"Are you hungry right now?" He asked.

"A little." You answered.

"I've brought some chicken soup. Would you like some?"

"Sure." You said. You were a little hungry after throwing up all that food you've ate. Dr. Mario came over with a bowl of soup. He sat down on your bedside as you struggled to sit up. Setting the soup aside on your nightstand, he helped you with his strong arms. You gave him a weak smile as he began feeding the chicken soup to you.

"Oh, no. I can do it myself!" You said, taking the bowl of soup. He pulled away.

"You're still weak. You can barely sit up by yourself." Dr. Mario reasoned with you. He's got a point. You sighed, and opened your mouth as he brought the spoon close to your lips.

You blush a little. His actions was a little intimate.

What's wrong with me? You thought. Does being sick make me blush like a fool as well?

What you didn't realize is that you've always liked Dr. Mario. You loved to see his doctor coat flying as he does his down special. You especially enjoyed it when he does his Final Smash. Everything about him just draws him close to you. You never thought you liked him.

Noticing your embarrassed look, Dr. Mario realized your reason for blushing and his face was red as well.

"Okay, listen here. I know this is a little awkward okay. I'm trying to help you feel better so please don't object." He looked away, scratching the back of his head.

You giggled.

"Okay. Can I have another scoop then?" You asked him. You were beginning to like this a little. Maybe being sick makes you more brave.

He scooped up another spoonful, blew it to ensure it was cool before delivering the soup to your mouth.

You took it, and swallowed it. Somehow your throat didn't hurt as much.

"I think I'm feeling a lot better than yesterday." You said, becoming lively again.

"Even though you're feeling better, I still suggest you to wait until tomorrow." He said, putting his doctor professional tone of voice again.

"Yes sir!" You saluted, which brought a small smile to his face before becoming serious again.

"Is there anything you would like to do to keep busy?" He asked.

"Well, I would like to play chess, but I have no one to challenge. And you are too busy taking care of me to take the time....." You trailed off, hoping he would take the bait. You knew his favorite game is chess, and you seized this moment, wishing he would bite the bait.

"Sure. I'll play with you." He took the bait. "But only under one condition."

You froze.

"Only if you would lay down and rest if you do feel tired." He gave you a mischievous smile. He knew what you were thing about. You chuckled.


He got out a chess set, sat on the other end of your bed as the two of you start the game. You enjoyed this moment, hoping time would stop for the two of you. You sighed, this is perhaps the first time you liked being sick beside escaping the back breaking training. You were glad Dr. Mario was there to keep you company.

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