Hurt and Comfort, a Mario & Luigi x Reader Story

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Author's note: This is requested by one of my readers. I hope you enjoy!

"Hiya!" You screamed as you punched the beanbag that was in front of you. Something happened that day had upset you so much that you had to use the object in front of you to help you calm down.

You felt tired after you've been punching the object for what seems like forever. You sat down on a bench and buried your head in between your knees as you had flashbacks of what had happened.


"Leave me alone!" You screamed. The two mean royal girls wouldn't leave you in peace.

"And why should we?" The girl in the pink flouncy gown asked you. "You were trying to flirt with Mario. You think I'm blind?"

"And not to mention Luigi too!" The princess in the orange added.

"Listen, Peach and Daisy, things are not what you think it is!" You defended yourself. "I was just having fun with them! No romance involved!"

"As if we'd believe you, liar." Peach scoffed. "You think I didn't see that other day where Mario handed you a piece of paper? I'm pretty sure that's a love letter that he gave you!"

"No, it's not!" You shouted.

"We want proofs." Daisy demanded.

"Sorry, I can't. It's private." You replied. What Mario really gave you was actually your homework you accidentally dropped on the ground. Mario just happened to be the kind one to pick it up and gave it to you. The reason you don't want to show the girls is that it was your exam with a bad grade on it. You don't want them to know, so you denied their request.

"I knew there's something fishy in there!" Peach yelled. "I knew there's something fishy going on between you and Mario!"

You sighed and walked away, leaving two princesses behind calling insults at you.

Flashbacks end..............

Before you knew what was happening, two clear and salty liquid flowed their way down your face. You didn't even realize that you were crying.

You heard the shuffle of feet coming your way. You quickly wiped away your tears and forced a smile on your face before that person could see you. But it was still too late.

"Hey, you okay?" a gentle voice mixed with a strong Italian accent asked you. You looked up and see a pair of sapphire blue eyes looking at you.

"Y.....yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking Mario." You lied.

"No, you're not alright," Mario said firmly. "I can see signs of you crying. What's the matter?"

You had no choice but to tell Mario everything that had happened between Peach and Daisy. Mario was indignant when you finished.

"That Peach, who does she thinks she is?" He exploded. "If she likes me that much, how come she didn't accept my proposal during the Odyssey incident?!"

"I'm sure she has her reasons." You begin. But Mario interrupted.

"I think she's just like to manipulate people. Look at her, if she's really that delicate princess, how'd she get in Smash and be so good? Also, doesn't it sound suspicious to you that she had been captured by Bowser numerous times? Unless she wants to be captured. Or she'll never let that happen to her according to what she's capable of." He reasoned.

You put your chin on your hand. Mario had a good point. Maybe Peach is trying to manipulate people so they can be used as her puppet.

"Mario! Mario!" a voice could be heard in the distance. It was similar to Mario's but a bit more nasal.

"Luigi! What're you doing here?" Mario turned around to face the green-clad man.

"I heard from Samus that (Your name) had been insulted by the princess duel so I came to check on her to see if she's alright. But I can see that you're with her. I thought I'd tell you so we can both come and comfort her. I guess I won't have to do that since you're one step ahead of me." He chuckled.

Mario smiled at his caring twin and turned back around to face (Your name).

"Listen, (Your name), don't worry too much about what the princesses said to you okay? What they did was called "bullying". I'm pretty sure that Master Hand won't let it go by unnoticed. Besides, we're all here for you."

"T......thanks guys....." You chocked. Your tears rebelliously came out of your eyes without your command once more. Both Mario and Luigi came to you and gave you a group hug.

"As to forget that incident, how about we train together?" Luigi suggested.

"That's a great idea!" Mario exclaimed. "I have an upcoming tournament anyways. You wanna help (Your name)?"

"Sure!" You dried your tears and took Luigi's outstretched hand. 

Three days after that incidence, Peach and Daisy were indeed being expelled from Smash Academy for bullying you. You were happy that justice was finally executed.

"Told you that this won't go unnoticed!" Mario said.

You giggled. But you were thankful that these bros are around to help you when you needed them.

"Let's go get some ice cream to celebrate," Luigi suggested. "Since it's hot today."

"Good idea!" You and Mario both agreed. Just like that, you're finally rid of the girls who were causing you problems that hindered your friendship with the Mario Brothers.

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