Stay With Me! a Fearful Reader x Mario Story

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It was a bright, beautiful day at Smash mansion. However, one smasher was a little nervous about today's training. You were called to fight someone in a dark battle arena where no light is allowed to help you. The point of it is to help you detect the other Smasher's movement and counter attack, but you were scared of the dark ever since you were little. Even though you're much older now, the fear of dark still gets you at times.

You tried to talk to Master Hand about this problem, a stern leader he is, he refuse to let you have your way. You sighed, there is no way you can escape the fate that was about to fall on you.

Here you were, at the dark room. Your teeth began to chatter. You shook with fear, you literally can't see anything. It's a good thing this place doesn't have any cliffs. Or you'd fall off and die.

Suddenly, you heard a quick rustle brush past you. You yelped and sat on the floor. What was that? You thought in fear. I hope it's nothing dangerous.

The unknown shadow rushed past you again, making you nervous.

"What are you? Show yourself!" You called out, hoping this smasher would answer you. To your surprise, a very familiar voice answered.

"It's a-me, Mario!"

You breathed a sigh of relief. If Mario's here with you, then why should you be afraid?

"What's wrong? Why aren't you fighting me?" He asked, you heard footsteps walking toward you.

"I....I'm afraid of the dark." You answered. Somehow, you felt like you could tell Mario anything and not afraid that he would make fun of you.

The footstep stopped. Before you know it, a strong hand had lifted you off of the ground.

" did you know I'm right here?" You asked in amazement. You didn't think he'd be able to figure out your exact location since this room is so dark.

"By experience." He answered. You could almost see him shrug if the room isn't pitch black.

"I don't think I can fight." You told him. "I feel paralyzed."

He sighed. "My brother Luigi have the same problem." He said. "He had to overcome his fear in order to rescue me from King Boo."

You know what he was talking about. Unlike Luigi, you're not afraid of ghosts. You're just afraid of the dark.

"But I don't know how to overcome my fear of darkness." You protested. "I've never had to deal with pitch black like this."

"How about I stay close to you? Would that make you feel better?" He asked.

"Sure." You answered.

His arms went around your shoulders and guided you as you walked. You felt the comfort coming from Mario's gloved hand. Is this how Luigi would feel when Mario does this to him? You wondered.

"Do you want to sit down for a bit before going back to fighting?" You heard his voice say.

"Sure. I'm scared anyway." You answered.

He brought you to a stop and sat you down. You felt him taking a seat next to you.

"I have nyctophobia ever since I'm a little girl." You began. "It got even worse when my parents died when I was 10. I began having nightmares and fear toward darkness, and always avoided going to places dark by myself......" You trailed off, your voice shaking. You knew you were going to cry, but you didn't want to look like a fool in front of Mario. Even though you knew he wouldn't make fun of you. To your surprise, he pulled you into his strong arms. You couldn't restrain yourself any longer and cried in his arms. He comforted you, and he said.

"It's normal to have fear. In fact, I have my own fears."

You sobbed quietly as he told you his fears.

"I am afraid that I would lose Luigi someday," He began. "I am afraid that I'd get captured again by King Boo and Luigi had to go through the traumatizing experience all over again, and I'm afraid people I care about to die unexpectedly."

"I understand that." You said, stopped sobbing. "It must be hard not being able to do anything about your fears."

"It is." He answered. "But I believe anyone have the capability to overcome their fear. Even their worst nightmares."

You smiled. Mario is always so positive.

"Well," You began. "If you think I can do it, then I probably can."

"What do you mean 'probably'? You can!" He said, standing up. He helped you to your feet.

"Let the battle began." You declared. Somehow, the battlefield doesn't seem as scary as you thought it to be.

"That's the spirit!" He said. "Let's a-go!"

You giggled. And the two of you fought, you did very well in the dark. When it was finally time to leave, you realized darkness is but an illusion of fear. You don't need to be afraid of the dark once you know you are more than your fears. Mario had helped you see that, and you're thankful that he was there to fight you instead of someone else. If it wasn't for him, you're probably still afraid of the dark. You were thankful for him to be there for you.

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