Special Edition! Cinderella (a Princess Anime Reader x Mario Masked Ball Story)

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You were out to get your mail later one evening when this mail suddenly caught your eye.

"Dear (Y/N),

You are invited to be participating our once in a year masked ball. Please wear a mask and wear your fanciest gown/costume. Please don't reveal your identity as it would make it more interesting to participate. The ball will began at 6:30. Please be on time and we will see you there!


Smash Academy"

You squealed. You were glad you finally get to wear your fancy gown you bought. You've always loved to wear a beautiful gown, but is too stingy to wear it on the battlefield. You always managed to tear your clothes whenever you Smash, so you never wore anything fancy while you were battling. This time, it's finally time for you to shine.

You were a little worried about the mask. It's not that you don't have one, but it's just that you don't think the mask is fancy enough to match your gown. You don't have time to get another one since the ball starts in twenty minutes. So you pulled up your hair in a fancy French do, put on your dress, secured your mask around your face and rushed out.

When you arrived at the ball room. You gasped. A lot of the Smashers were unrecognizable. Is that Shiek in the Ninja suit? Wait, or is it Greninja? Whoa, Peach looked amazing! Um....or could it be Samus? So many people were dressed up and was in a mask, it made you dizzy just having to guess at who they are. Suddenly, your eyes caught someone short in the crowd. This man is wearing the most handsome tuxedo you've ever seen, a top hat setting regally upon his head, and his mask covered his whole entire face so you weren't sure who he is. But from the look of his body type you reasoned he was probably Mario.

He spotted you in the crowd. You gasp a little. You've had a crush on Mario for a long time, but you've never really told how you felt about him so you two were just neutral friends. You began nervously smoothing out your dress, patted your hair in place and gave him a little smile. Because your face isn't recognizable, so your mask is only half way covered. He saw your smile and gave you a curtsy in return.

"May I share a dance with you?" He asked. You frowned. He doesn't have Mario's Italian accent. Must be someone else.

You took his outstretched hand, and he swirled you to the middle of the dance floor. Your heart pounded wildly, you were confused. You weren't out of breath for sure, but something about this man dancing with you made your heart flutter.

"How was your evening, milady?" He asked as he danced. You were even more confused. The voice's Mario's, but the accent isn't.

"Oh, I'm very well, thank you." You replied with a hint of elegance. You love to talk like a royalty. "And how are you, my kind sir?"

"I'm grant. I'm very glad to hear you are doing well. Do you happen to be (Y/N) by any chance?" He asked. Your heart dropped, how did he know who you are?

"I believe the invitation forbid you to reveal your true name, however, please call me Midnight." You said. You've always loved the name Midnight. It sounded beautiful and mysterious in the same time, which is how you felt tonight so it felt right.

He chuckled.

"Then please feel free address me as Tuxedo Mask."

You froze. Mario also know how much you love anime, is this really Mario?

He continued to swirl you around the dance floor. As if you were consumed by magic, you leaned your head against his shoulder. Somehow it give you a sense of comfort. You were dying to find out who this person is, but you don't want to spoil the surprise of finding it out tomorrow. So you danced as you thinking about this person in front of you.

Suddenly, you hear your mask strings snap. You gasped and pushed Tuxedo Mask away while quickly bring your hand to your face to prevent the mask from falling. You quickly turned around and ran out of the room as Tuxedo Mask called out to you.

"Midnight, what happened? Wait!" He began running after you.

You gasped and ran faster. You have to find a way to fix the mask before he saw your true identity. In a frantic motion, you dropped your mask.

You wanted to go back for it, but Tuxedo Mask was hot on your trail so you dashed out of sight. You found a hiding place and hid as you wait for him to go away. But you couldn't hold back your curiosity so you peeped out to see his expression. You saw him picking up the mask, staring at it for a moment and went inside, with the mask in hand.

Oh, great. You groaned. I'll have to give up going back since that guy took my mask. Even though you were a little frustrated at that guy, you still couldn't stop wondering if that 'Tuxedo Mask' was Mario. You trudged back with a disappointed heart, you may never find out who that romantic guy is. You sighed as you sank your head into your pillow and was soon fast asleep.

The next morning, a heavy knock was heard on your apartment door. You groaned and groggily went to the door and opened it. You gasped when you see the person standing before the door. It was Mario.

"M....Mario, good morning." You stuttered, not sure what he was doing early in the morning, in front of your apartment door.

Mario said nothing and pulled out the mask, the mask you wore the night before, and put it into your hand.

You gasped. Tuxedo Mask was Mario after all.

"W....where did you get this from?" You knew what had happened, but you want him to make his first move.

"Well.....I....." He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment. He cleared his throat and before you knew it, you were speaking with 'Tuxedo Mask' again.

"I was at the masked ball last night, and the most beautiful woman I've ever seen had lost her mask. I am just here to return it to its rightful owner." He replied with grace.

You put your hand on your lips as you hold back your tears. Why are you so teary? You should be happy!

"I have to apologize for all the tricks I've been playing on you. I can actually speak without any accent. I'm just trying to be different on that night, that's all." Mario apologized. His voice actually sounded nice without all the strange ups and downs as found in Italian accents.

"Oh, Mario!" Before you knew what was happening, you threw yourself on Mario. It was him! It was a little stupid when you get so excited about nothing, but it was a big deal to you. Your crush is your 'Tuxedo Mask', your favorite male protagonist from 'Sailor Moon'. You felt like the luckiest person in the whole planet.

Mario chuckled, and he whispered in your ears as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Will you be my 'princess V'?"

"Yes!" You cried as you hugged him back. Even though you're still in your pajamas, you almost feel like you've time traveled back to last night, dancing away with your 'Tuxedo Mask'.

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