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Existing felt like a threat when I opened my eyes the next day. A beam of sunlight was the first thing I perceived, and the realization of my current whereabouts hit me soon after.

I blinked, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness as I slowly sat up. The mattress was comfortable even though it wasn't in a bedstead, and I would have probably slept for another five hours if it hadn't been for the first sunlight of the day to practically hit me in the face. Damn Michael and his fucking glass wall.

I reached for my phone and checked the time. Half an hour before my set alarm would ring – perfect to enjoy the warm bed and slowly but surely get my body to wake up. Drifting off to sleep again wasn't an option due to the brightness, so there was nothing to worry about.

Ruby crossed my mind, and I wondered if he had ever texted me. He had said he would before I left yesterday, when we had smoked our last joint together for what would probably be a long time. I had waited for that text all day yesterday, the reminder that there was at least someone that wanted me to be home, yet that text had never arrived.

I had shrugged it off before going to sleep last night, telling myself that Ruby had probably just smoked too much to remember or spent the evening with his brother at some pointless party. He wasn't one to keep many things in mind. He was a laid back guy who couldn't care less about the future, so we had a lot in common which was probably also the reason we were still friends.

There was no new message, and I decided to scroll through Instagram instead to pass the time.

Half an hour later my alarm went off. I grabbed a few fresh clothes out of my suitcase and left the room. The house was silent, Michael already having headed off to work just like he had said. This place felt even weirder when I was alone, so I went back to my room to grab my speakers.

Michael had laid out fresh towels for me last night. I took a refreshing shower and occasionally sang along to the music that drowned out the silence as well as my thoughts and filled my head with poetic lyrics instead.

"I see you when you're down, and depressed, just a mess, I see you when you cry, when you're shy, when you wanna die."

"What a way to start the day," I mumbled to myself as warm water ran down my back. My choice of music wasn't the happiest yet it lifted my spirits – every song I could sing along to did.

When I was done with the shower I got dressed and headed into the kitchen, my music still playing since the house was still empty and silent. The kitchen was still a mess, just like I had expected, even though Michael had promised to clean before going to bed.

It was kind of sad seeing him live like this.

I opened the fridge with every intention to raid it shamelessly but was cold-bloodedly disappointed when I found it half empty. Michaels existence had just gotten even sadder, reaching a new low-point.

I sighed and reached for the rice cakes and the jar of peanut butter. I wasn't exactly yearning for it, but I needed breakfast or else I wouldn't make it through the day.

I left half an hour later with my backpack slung over one shoulder, not ready for the day to start. I'd rather have another awkward conversation with Michael if it meant I could stay away from the school I didn't want to attend. The kids there were probably all hillbillies who fucked horses, and I wasn't ready to become one of them.

Michael and I hadn't done much yesterday. He had prepared dinner which sadly consisted of frozen beans and potatoes. We had eaten in silence, something I hated, and then we had parted ways and crawled into our rooms.

If he didn't show up with curtains today, I'd rip off the ones in his room and hang them over the windows in mine. There was no ruder way to being woken up then being shamelessly hit by a beam of sunlight.

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